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Today was Saturday, and I decided I was going out today. I got up and got dressed, I had on a red plaid shirt and some shorts (we live in Cali, it's hot) and I put on my bandana to control my curls I had. I had on some brown wedges and I looked cute, if I do say so myself. I'm not perfect, and I don't look like a Tumblr chick but I'm also far from ugly.

I went downstairs and said bye to my mom, who was dressed and ready for work, then got into my Charger and left the house.

When I got to the mall, I went straight into American Apparel and got some new sunglasses and shorts. That's my favorite store so of course, it was first.

After I left there, I just walked around the mall for a while until I got hungry. When I was walking to the food court, I saw one of Kion's friends, Ty, with his girl. I waved then walked to the Chick-Fil-A.

As soon as I sat down, my phone went off.

🔐🔑 Key 🔒🔑

I know where you are London. I'on know why you mad at me but you better stay yo ass right there, I'm on my way.

Damn Ty a snitch. I gathered my stuff up quickly then left the mall without any signs of Key. I guess I'll eat my food at home. I got there and my mom was pulling out, she waved at me as I pulled in where she pulled out of. Before I could get in the house, I hear my name being called.

"I figured you would leave the mall. It was kind of dumb to come here though."

Forgot he knew where I lived.

"Kion leave me alone bruh."

No, he's not about to hit me or murder me, he's just trying to intimidate me because he thinks I'm going to tell him what's wrong, but I'm not.

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