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🔐🔑 Key 🔐🔑

I see youuuu

I looked down at my phone, read it, & ignored it.

Our waiter came back and took out order and my mom was tapping away at her phone, probably business. My mom is the type that has square glasses & her hair in a perfect sock bun, but will have her baby hairs layed down & Jordans on. She's Hispanic, what do you expect?

🔐🔑 Key 🔐🔑

Look to your right, we're on the other side of the restaurant.

To: 🔐🔑 Key 🔐🔑

Kion, I don't care. Please leave me the hell alone.

As soon as I put my phone down, our food was out. My mom had shrimp Alfredo and I had the new speciality pasta. It looked too good.

"Say grace baby."

"Querido Señor, bendice este alimento que estamos a punto de recibir. Bendice las manos que lo prepararon. Hágase tu voluntad. Te quiero. Amén."

(Dear Lord, please bless this food we are about to recieve. Please bless the hands that prepared it. Let your will be done. I love you. Amen.)

"Beautiful baby. Now let's eat."

We started eating our food, which was just as good as it looked by the way, but about 5 minutes into eating, I see Jordan's on the floor that didn't belong to me or my mom. I look up and there is a person standing there.


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