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To: 🔑🔐 Key 🔑🔐

Come over my house after school.

I didn't see Kion for the rest of the day. I don't know if we were avoiding each other or he just left, but I know I haven't been able to focus because of what happened this morning. Janaé of course bombarded me with questions once 1st period was over, but I didn't answer any of them.

What goes on between me and Key, stays between me and Key. He's the lock and I hold the key.

Janaé got switched into my last class so I had to sit through class trying to focus, trying to block her out, and trying to block my thoughts out.

After it felt like hours, class was finally over. I rushed to my locker to get my stuff, then rushed home. When I pulled up, his royal blue Charger was there. I pulled up into the driveway and he got out his car and came and opened my door for me. I could see the dried up tears on his face.

We got inside the house and of course, my mommie was at work so we went up to my room and I closed the door behind me. We both kicked off our shoes and layed in the bed.

I had my head on the headboard and he had his head on my stomach and he was holding on to me like he didn't want to let go. I've never seen him like this and it's starting to hurt my feelings.

We sat in silence for a few minutes until I spoke up.

"Did you leave school?"

"Yea." Was all he said. He has that raspy voice that boys have when they 1st wake up and it was just oh so sexy but right now, that's not my concern.

"What happened this morning... You blacked out on me." I said, running my hands through his curls.

"I don't know." He said, turning his head then laying back down on my stomach. "I realized I fucked up. and keeping fucking up. I guess everything that's been going on lately just.. Came out."

"You got upset over me though?"

"I did. Well, this morning my moms was grilling me.. again, then she threw something on me, and you came up. Then Sabrina was talking crazy, I found out about you being upset and it was just like... something clicked. I realized what I was doing to you and how I was too dumb to even see it."

I started running my fingers through his curls and he moved up so he was laying on my boobs, which he's done before so I don't really mind.

"Long day?"

"Yea, lot of shit going on."

It was silent after that and eventually I felt him relax and I realized he had fell asleep. I decided to let him sleep where he was because I know he was tired, it was obvious.

I just played on my phone for a while and my mom came in. She saw us and I saw almost a look of relief on her face when she saw us.

"Hey baby."

"Hey mommie."

"Y'all good?"

"Yea." I said, looking down at Key and smiled.

She just smiled at me and closed my door.

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