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Monday. The most hated day of the week for almost anybody. That includes me. Taya isn't here today and Janaé is here, but she's annoying the living hell out of me about Kion.

No one knows what happened at the restaurant, and I plan to keep it that way.

"Naé, please. Please stop."


"I broke up with her. I-I broke up with her." Kion said as he walked in, grabbed my hand, pulled me gently off the desk, & pulled me out into the hallway, into the janitors closet.

"I-I broke up with her." He said again when we were finally alone.

"Why Key?"

"I don't like her. I never did. I should've never gotten with her. I-I'm a dumbass."

"Key what's wrong? Stop pacing."

He grabbed me and pinned me against the wall.

"Did I make you cry London?" He asked, looking at me with tears in his eyes.

"Key that's what's wrong with you?"

"London, did I make you cry?"

"... Yea."

"I'm a dumbass. I'm a dumbass." He let me go and started pacing again and I felt tears start to fall from my eyes and I could see tears falling from his.

"Key, don't get worked up, I'm fine, I promise."

I stopped him and wiped his tears and he grabbed me and hugged me, I just let him have his breakdown because I knew he was going to breakdown eventually. I heard the bell ring but I didn't even care, my main concern right now is him.

"Key, baby what's really wrong?"

"I fucked up. I made the only girl I really ever wanted and loved, cry, over me. All because of my dumbass."


He looked at me and then exited the janitors closet, leaving me there, shocked and speechless.

Did he just say... love?

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