Chapter 36: Down

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All the furniture has been set upside down. The couch, the chairs, the dining table... Everything. Even the stuffed eagle was hanging upside down. I couldn't move a muscle. I was even scared to hear my own voice. Every piece of furniture, both in the living room and in the kitchen, was now upside down. 

" What the - " Mac muttered beside me. " Guys! Get up here." I blinked my eyes a couple of times as he called out for them. I wanted to make sure this wasn't my imagination even though I was sure I wasn't hallucinating things. 

We were just gone half an hour and this was what greeted us. For a mere duration of thirty minutes, everything was now upside down. 

I took a step forward and continued to scan the room. Was this man-made? No. I was sure it wasn't. The door's locked and there weren't any signs of tresspassing. Besides, we could have heard it from the basement if someone would even drag the couch, let alone lots of furniture being dragged. 

" Oh my God." I heard Kim whisper.

I continued to scan the room. I couldn't find the right words. 

" Who..." Mac paused as he studied the room. " Who did this?" 

" Mau..." I heard Kim call out. 

I ignored her call. Seeing two rooms like this would even go beyond paranormal. All the cups and saucers were even placed the same way as the furniture. Even the blood red carpet was stripped of its rightful place. The brown side of the carpet was now on the floor, facing us. Not a single human being could do all this in a mere 30 minutes. This was not caused by a person. I was sure of that. 

" 'Vrything okay up there?" Yhan called out from the basement. Probably still helping her grandpa walk up the stairs. 

" Yhan, you need to see this." Kim replied, standing firm.

We were haunted by something. First it was Yhan's place, and then her Grandfather's. I realized in everywhere that we go, these hauntings would occur endlessly. It wouldn't stop not unless we seek answers. I walked around the kitchen and something caught my attention. The aplhabet magnets were arranged so eerily in a matter that made my hair stand at its end. 

There was a message for us. 

" Guys, better check this out." I mustered the courage to say. 

I felt Mac and Kim behind me. 

We stood there, still studying the alphabet magnets arrangement, making sure not to miss any other letters. 

But what we saw, was what we saw. 


Y                                F I


  A          S         E

        N        W               R


Z                G

The word " ANSWER" was clear.

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