Chapter 39: Window

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" It's creepy here." Kim said. " It's so... uncomfortable." Among the three of us, Kim was the only one who could see things. We told Yhan what happened to us the other night when Kim started seeing them. Yhan and I nodded to her statement in agreement. 

As we made our way into the living room, it felt like the covered furniture were all giving us a scrutinizing look. I was starting to have goosebumps. 

The living room was big and beautiful. The living room was as Victorian as the house which I easily distinguished by looking at the walls and its intricate designs. It was hard to believe that this  beautiful house was left here to rot. 

" Remind me why we're here again." Kim said.

I continued to study the interior, not leaving my eyes off it. " We're here to search for answers." 

" Then we better get going then. I don't want to be here 'till sunset." Yhan quickly said. 

I nodded. 

" Should we split up?" she asked. 

I looked at her with one eyebrow raised. " You're kidding, right?" 


Since we finished searching the ground floor for any paperwork or evidence to give us even the slightest hint of this house and its past but found none, we headed for the second floor. We'd like to try our luck on the next. I was leading them onto the stairs and next was Kim, and Yhan was the last to follow. As I continued my way up and saw the top of the staircase, it reminded me of Yhan's story about the twins which I prayed and hoped that the urban legend was just a myth. A story used to scare people away. 

The stairs creaked as it weighed us.

We were now on the second floor leading to a hallway. There were rooms across each other and because of the clouds that were settling in above us, the hallway seemed grey and dark. There was a curtain-covered window at the end of the hallway. The curtain was red so it just added to the whole creepy vibes that this house was already having. 

I felt a slight tug on my jacket and saw Kim, holding it. " I think that was where she was standing when I saw her. Just standing there and looking." she said. 

I looked back at the window. It was indeed a peaceful place to look at the passers by. I wondered why hadn't Josephine Walter moved on? But who was I to speak at such notion? She was murdered. The answer was simple. 

I simply nodded and headed for the window. As I peered over the window, it had a spectacular view of the bay in the distance. This must have been her haven during the 1900s. Now I realized what my real question was. It was quite simple, really. 

Why had she chosen to haunt us? 

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