Chapter 84: The Truth

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For the first time since all this started, I was thankful for my dreams. At first, I thought of them as somewhat annoying and frightening. I would often ask myself, ' Why me? Why not her? Or him? But why me?'. And as always, I would get zero answers. I was grateful for having these dreams now. Everything has come to light. I would eventually know the truth of what had happened. But strangely enough, this scene I was seeing right now wasn't that of Josephine's but it was oddly familiar. 

It was that night. 

During the sleepovers with Yhan and Kim. 

A scene of us was playing in front of my eyes. I was watching us. Having the time of our lives, talking about boys, huddling in front of a candle, telling ghost stories. It was like time travelling, but the thing was, they couldn't see me. I was invisible. And then Alfred arrived ending our little celebration, forcing Kim and I to sleep. I remembered this part. This was where I had my second nightmare.The scene in front of me played like what I remembered. Kim waking up to my groans and I accidentally scratched her. Alfred and Yhan rushed over to our room and Kim walked out of it. I couldn't blame her though. She was in shock. 

I was now in the kitchen with her, where she was staring in front of the fridge for quite some time. I remembered she offered to bring me a glass of water. I saw movement in the corner of my eye and I quickly turned to the main door who has just been opened. My eyes widened as I saw who was behind it. 


He strutted quickly in the darkness of the living room, disappearing just before Kim turned to the door. He had managed to break into the house and we hadn't known it at all. The scene fastforwarded to where everyone was in the guest room. I was standing in the doorway and I could see the concern that was written all over their faces as they listened to what I had dreamt that night. I saw movement again in the corner of my eyes and turned to my left. I watched Mac go inside Yhan and Alfred's room. I started walking towards the room and watched him hide himself in the closet. I jolted when I heard Alfred and Yhan head inside the room. 

" I think Mau's been stressed lately." I heard Yhan say, concern in her voice. 

" I think we all are." Alfred replied. He planted a cheek on Yhan's forehead and they went to bed, turning off the lamp on their bedside table.

It was three in the morning as I noticed the closet's door open and Mac stepped out. In his hands was a fibre rope. The same fibre rope that Winston used for hanging himself. My eyes widened in terror as I continued to watch the scene that was playing in front of me. Mac made a noose, securing it tight just before he placed it around Alfred's neck. Alfred woke up to this and was about to scream, surprise of the intruder in his house but was too late when Mac suddenly pulled the rope hard, snapping his neck. I covered my mouth as I saw the truth. Mac killed Alfred. 

Mac's shoulders tensed as he watched Yhan's hands reaching for something. As she finally felt the blanket and covered herself in it, relief washed over him. He started to lift Alfred's lifeless body gently from the bed, careful not to wake Yhan up. He then continued to drag him on the floor and towards the closet where he had a rope in ready. He tighten the noose around Alfred's neck and pulled the other end of the rope, lifting Alfred's body in the air. He wanted to make sure that whoever would find his body would think that he had killed himself. After doing what had to be done, he gave Yhan one last look and exited the room quietly. 

The next scene was back when we were still trapped in the house. I watched Mac received my call for help and when the our conversation was cut short, he stared at his phone. I couldn't see anything in his eyes and I couldn't read what he was thinking at the moment. He then said something to his boss, his boss simply nodded and he went his way. I watched him as he got in his Elantra and drove off to who knows where. The scene brought me to Thomas Garner's house. Mac parked the car on the front lawn and got out of the car. He was studying the environement, I could tell. He stepped on the porch and made his way to the front door, knocking. An old man barely opened the door, peering between the gap. 

" Who's there?" the old man asked. 

" Good day to you." Mac smiled reassuringly. The old man raised his brows in confusion. Mac kicked the door open, causing Thomas Garner to fly and land on the floor with a loud thud. Mac started to head into the house, and got his rope out that was inserted on his back. When he showed the old man the noose, his eyes widened in terror. He knew who he was like memories flashed through his mind. Thomas struggled to pick himself up, letting out audible calls for help. But he lives alone and his house was isolated from others. Mac made his way behind poor Thomas and placed the noose around his neck. 

" It was good to see you again too." 

Mac tightened the noose and kicked the old man's back. His neck snapped with a loud crack. And I saw his body go limp. Tears were already flowing on my cheeks as I continued to watch Mac's series of murders. I watched the same thing again. He tied the rope on the ceiling fan and pulled the old man. He stopped, staring at his work. When he gave a weary smile, it was like he was satisfied of the work he had done. He looked around the house and started searching for something. I watched him disappear in a corridor and emerged once again. And with him, were the keys. Those were the same keys he used when he helped us got out of the Josephine's house. When we arrived at Thomas Garner's house, it was too late by then. And to think, he was with us when we went in. I covered my mouth, preventing sobs of helplessness of it all. 

The scenes came playing quick until that night, where my friends and I decided to do a second seance in Josephine's home. I watched Kim as she coughed out blood, causing Yhan and I to worry. Everything happened so fast. Kim got pinned down by something unseen, dragging her all over the place. I watched myself as I tried to stop her but was thrown onto the wall right next to me. My eyes quickly darted towards Yhan and Kim. Kim was lying in one corner of the room, clearly unconscious. I could see movement in the corner of my eye. I quickly turned to Yhan and saw a dark silhouette behind her. 

" Watch out!" I called out. But it was useless. They couldn't hear me. The evil entity lunched itself towards Yhan, hitting her endlessly with its hands. Pieces of her clothes were ripped from all the scratching and the hitting. I saw Yhan trying to protect herself from her unknown assailant by guarding her face with her hands. She was then pulled by the hair towards the study room's glass window, causing it to break under her weight. A shard of glass had punctured through her right axilla. So that must be where the glass came fromBut what happened to Kim?

I looked back to Kim just in time to see Mac enter the room. He carried Kim in his arms and looked at the unconscious me and the unconscious Yhan. His mouth curved into a smile, causing all my hair to stand at its ends. He looked at my direction, surprising me in the process. I thought he wouldn't be able to see me. Our eyes met and he grinned at my direction. He could see me!? He exited the room, abducting Kim in the process. There was one thing I learned from all this: one, Kim was alive, for now, and second, Mac needed to be stopped.

I blinked my eyes a few times, finding myself in a dark room. I could feel the cold cement digging through my skin. I could feel something tugging on my ankles and wrists, and it was with a familiar texture. I was tied down. My mouth was covered with duct tape and my body ached all over. I struggled to get free from the binds, but they were too strong and too tight. 

 There was a strong stench of decay in the room. I couldn't make out what it was but I was sure it was close to me. As my eyes adjusted to the darkness, I let out a muffled scream as I saw what was in front of my face. 

It was Kim's body. 

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