Chapter 57: Found

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Yhan inserted her keys into the keyhole and we heard the latching as it came unlocked. It was a signal for us to head inside. She pushed the door fully open and we were greeted by darkness and and whole range of mess. Broken plates  and glasses were all over the floor like a storm had run past here. I remembered, we hadn't paid a visit to this house ever since the incident. We were scared, terrified and traumatized to ever set foot here. 

But today was an exception.

I reached for the lights, fumbling my way into the darkness. I felt the light switch and turned it on. But no light came.

" Off." I said. 

" I've got an emergency flash light we could use from my car. I could go get it." Mac suggested. 

" Please do." I said in reply, accepting his offer. I watched Mac as he went back outside. I felt Kim's hand touching mine. I looked back at her and saw her holding Yhan's hand too. She pulled us together and let our hands touched. We both looked at Kim. She was closing her eyes. 

" Whatever happens, we'll always have each other." she said as she pulled us closer. 

Yhan and I smiled at each other and we both hugged her. Kim held back a sob. 

A few minutes later, Mac came back with the flashlight. I motioned my hand to him and he gave it to me.

" I know I'm not in the place to say this but this house is a mess." he said as he stepped on broken glass. The sound of glass crunching as he continued near me. 

" Long story." I said, bluntly. 

" Why are we here anyway?" Kim asked. 

I raised my hand, motioning her to stay quiet. I headed for the staircase, flashing the beam of light to places I suspect that there might be something lurking. They all followed behind me as I led them to the second floor. 

Suddenly, de' ja vu hit me. This was similar to my dream. I looked back at them, but instead of the twins, it was them I was seeing. I let out a sigh of relief and continued my way up the stairs. 

I headed for the master's bedroom and open the door. The door swung eerily open and I went inside. 

" What are we doing here?" Yhan whispered, in response to my gesture to Kim earlier. 

I stayed quiet as my eyes narrowed on the closet. With my hand reaching out for the closet's knob, I slowly headed for it. 

" What's in there?" I heard Mac whisper behind me. Kim slowly shrugged her shoulders and Yhan's eyes never left me as she shook her head in response to his question. They both remained at the doorstep. 

The coldness of the knob sent shivers down my spine as I turned it. I let out a breath and slowly swung it open. The stench made me take a step back. My mouth gaped open to the sight of it. I raised my hand to my mouth and covered my gasps. 

" What? What did you see?" Yhan shouted from the door, hesitating if she should come and see for herself. 

I looked back at them with fear and shock written all over my face. With my mouth still covered, I mustered the courage to reply.

" I found Alfred."

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