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The day before the Death Star

I woke up in my space chambers kind of depressed. It was going to be just another day. If only something exciting would happen around here, I thought. We were days away from the next rendezvous point and we weren't exploring anything interesting. Discovering a new type of homogenius moss on a new type of chemical compound mineral rock wasn't very exciting after everything this Starship had done in the past.

Stretching my arms in the starlight I tried to remember my very strange dreams about some kind of big fight and wondered if it was a premonition because sometimes that happens to a psychic like me. Of course I wasn't the only psychic on the ship but I was the highest ranking one and the prettiest. Sometimes there was a Vulcan onboard, and they were psychic, but there wasn't a Vulcan onboard the spaceship currently. Oh well, I thought. I tossed my black hair over my shoulder and walked my nude body into the bathroom.

If only there was a Vulcan onboard I thought as I started the microwave shower. I bathed in the warm radiance of the waves getting nice and warmed up and clean. Modern technology was great I thought. I began to imagine how Vulcans smelled like books and temple dust because they were always reading in temples as I stroked my shoulder with a stainless steel magnet.

You would think that that smell would be unattractive and yet I found it quite alluring with the smell of success and smarts. And practicality. Also Vulcans were very tall and if you think about it (which I did alot) and had interesting foreheads that I liked to play with my fingers with. Oh yes, it would be nice if there was another Vulcan onboard to "talk" to, even though we wouldn't really be talking except in our heads to eachother. I wondered what we would say?!

I got into one of my most revealing outfits which was purple and had asymmetrical tearaway shaped chest and had pants like a jumpsuit and were very tight. With so many men onboard, I was a hot commodity even though I already know I'm hot. But sometimes it is embarrassing so when I had good hair days like this I flaunted it. And I was bored. You ever feel like having a makeover on a boring day? Well days could get boring here, especially in space!

I strud down the hallway to my therapy room and started my first session. I felt what my patient was feeling which was very funny because he was laughing. I like when I had happy patients because I could think about other things besides being stuck on a starship in the middle of nowhere.

He was Ensign Crewmonn and had won a game of Twister last night and won a lot of latinum. "What are you going to do with all the latinum," I asked? That's why we were laughing, because of all the silly and amazing ideas we came up with. He's very creative and fascinating. I liked Ensign Crewmonn.

The next session was with a woman assistant horticulturalist who was worried about her next work project. "But what if I mess it up, this project is so complicated and technical I really don't have the words to describe it," She stated in a very matter of fact way. The project did sound interesting and I tried to help her feel smarter so she had the confidence to do an award winning job for us on the ship. "We are all depending on your research" I said "It could launch a whole new starship upgrade technology!" I think she felt better, but you never can tell.

I wrote down in my client book to go to the saucer sector to check on her later in the day.

Because it was still kind of early and all of my patients were done for the day I grabbed my silver parka and changed out of my velvet, purple high heels to cushy slip ons with star fleet stickers on them and walked to the mess hall.

Everyone was busy eating their dinners and chatting about their day. It was nice to see all different breeds sitting together like the Talaxian over there sitting next to the former Borg drone there. And in the other corner I could feel horny thinking from a crew member who was trying to make a pass at a green alien girl who was so not into him. I wanted to tell him but thought it would be unprofessional.

It had been a long time since I had any dates and at this point I even considered going out with Worf but feeling Klingons all day always left me feeling spent. They are a very aggressive breed and I don't think out of all the aliens that he was the best choice for me.

As I sat back in my next generation computer AI designed chair and sneakily felt everyone in the room, I drifted off to my childhood. I think I already told you about the blue dress that my Mom Llwaxanna Troi used to wear (when she wasn't naked, which we were a lot of the time,) which was silk and very flowy. It felt almost like you didn't have anything on anyway so I never saw the point until I saw myself in my Betazoid mirror.

A Betazoid mirror is like a normal mirror except it shows you what you're thinking, almost like thought bubbles over Garfield in the comics from long ago. And I remember looking at myself and thinking and seeing myself thinking how pretty I thought I looked. The thought bubble was pink this time and looked like blown bubbles wafting over my head with the word "pretty" in it and then slowly evaporating into the ceiling of the mirror room.

In fact I looked like a Princess, and Cinderella was my favorite which is why I loved the blue dress. Have you ever heard of Cinderella? She was a Betazoid who lived with her very mean Romulan Stepmother and stepsisters. And one day her alien Godmother appeared to her and said "here is a pair of magical dilithium diamond shoes which will transport you to a magical kingdom far away from this awful place and your wicked Stepmother. But don't lose them, not even one of them or you will never be able to come back home!"

I always thought it was a very romantic story, but things like that don't happen in real life I knew. But maybe they did. My Mom was a Betazoid high priestess which means I was sort of a princess, if you looked at it the right way. And magical things always happened to princesses in the stories! But still it seemed too much to hope for.

I opened my eyes and was back in the dining room where everybody else was too. It was so noisy so I thought to myself, I said "Self! You need to go have a vacation!" I took out my compact from my pocket in my silver fur lined parka and stared at myself. "You spend all your time worrying about others and being helpful, but you can't give anything to anyone else or worry about them until you take care of yourself! Stand up for yourself!" And I knew exactly where to go!

Deanna and Spock: A Cinderella Space OdysseyWhere stories live. Discover now