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After Spock and Deanna were married, they were deciding where to go for their Honeymoon. Deanna had suggested Resa 5, but Spock said he was going to surprise her with something better.

She was in the Loading Bay with Spock, dressed in a beach bikini and flip flops carrying an oddly shaped, hard and hardly convenient cylindrical suitcase she slung over her shoulder. It held her sunblock and whatever else they would need.

Spock entered wearing a Hawaiian shirt with purple shorts and black socks pulled up all the way to his knees. He looked silly, but was unaware of it. Logical men were so dense sometimes!

"So where are we off to, honey?" said Deanna? Spock just turned to the teleporter control man and said, "Did you adjust the specs like I asked you to, and converge the chromos-reactor radiation with the retroactive bio-products in the kelvinite particle reactor?"

"Yes sir, just like you asked, all systems are go Commander!" said Ensign Gordi, smiling. "Have the Happiest Trip on Earth!" and then he winked.

"Energize" said Spock, and he and Deanna phased out of time and space and when they opened their eyes again and all of their quantum processes had been reassembled from the inside out relative to spacetime itself, they were standing under a beautiful arch of a small castle, on the drawbridge! There was a beautiful Carousel in the distance playing "I Know You" from Sleeping Beauty and a beautiful lake moat with swans.

"I thought my Princess would love a trip to the happiest Kingdom of all," Spock said. "I rewired the control panel to bring us back in time to an ancient earth place I know you read about and told me about last week. I hope you love it as much as I love you. Logically, of course." Deanna's eyes sparkled with love and tears.

Just then a smiling man in a business suit and a kind face strolled up to them. He had a nametag that said "Walt" and he said "Welcome to my park, space travelers, I've been waiting a long time for you." Deanna and Spock were confused, but took the opportunity to kiss eachother again under the magic Disneyland Castle Archway.

Walt smiled at them as he walked past and muttered something under his breath that sounded like an evil spell! Spockerella opened his eyes and began frantically running around the courtyard saying "I simply MUST find my glass slipper! I've lost it and now I can never return home! Oh No!"

"Oh great, now what am I going to do? I guess my Cinderella memories have infected him and became part of him with our Vulcan Lip Meld!"

It was just like Deanna always said, she was good at always finding trouble!


Deanna and Spock: A Cinderella Space OdysseyWhere stories live. Discover now