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Everyone was really quiet for a long time because they knew they'd never be able to save her in time. "Excuse me Captain, " said a voice over the speaker, "This is Gordi down in engineering department and I think I know how to save her. Ambassador spock said that she couldn't imagine herself being anyone else and I think that's the key. What if...and this might sound crazy...but what if we beamed her out right to..."

"NO!" yelled Beverly! "The shock could kill her! Seeing a starship? Knowing she wasn't in France anymore?!"

"I know that doctor, but one moment, please! I graduated top of my class at the StarFleet academy in San Francisco, and I know what I'm doing. We only have 30 seconds left and there's no time to argue! I'm doing it!"

Everyone held their breath as they watched her beam directly into sickbay and get locked into the lead encasement. There was a type of earthquake on the ship and a beam of light but then everything returned to normal! The plasma had left Denna's body! Everybody congratulated one another. "You have saved the ship! You will get another promotion for this Ensign Gordi!" said the captain! "It was my honor" said Enisgn Gordi.

"But it came at quite a loss, Captain," said Beverly Crusher, a tear running down her cheek, "We have lost her mind and now she will be trapped forever like a CinDeanna vegetable. How could you men do this to her?!"

Just then Spock ran onto the bridge, alive and well. "I have to speak with you Captain! We only have 2 minutes to save Deanna but I need your permission to do it!"

Beverly looked up, and the captain looked up and so did Gordi and Worf and Data and Riker and everyone else who was on the bridge. "Yes, what is it, my Vulcan friend?" said Jean Luc Picard?

"I heard what Gordi was going to do and knowing the consequences to the safety of the ship and everyone onboard if she was transported out in her present state, I did the only think I could and I psychically REMOVED her imagination! Without that, she was unable to hold onto her illusion anymore and the biochemistry collapsed, leaving her free to live free!" he said!

The doctor gasped. "My god! He's right! But now Spock, the Network of cells that make up her brain will be coming back together without a signifigant part and she will still be damaged!"

"And that is why I'M here" she Spock. Only I can MindMeld with her and return her to sanity, restoring her imagination but without the Cinderella part!"

Beverly looked at him and smiled. She knew that Spock was in love and it was their only chance to save CinDeanna, for she knew that only a MindMeld AND a true love heartstorm could save her now and Spock was capable of both. "It's okay, Captain, I trust him, you need to let him do this!"

The captain Sputtered "No Dr. Crusher, it is too dangerous and..."

"JEAN LUC! I am the doctor on this ship and that is an order! There is no time and he only has 30 seconds left!" screamed Beverly Crusher!

"You're so beautiful when you're mad, Bev" said the Captain with a wink. "Computer, beam Ambassador spock directly to sick bay!" and just like that, spock disappeared.


Spock raced over to Deanna's sick bed and slapped his hand on her face "MYMINDTOYOURMINDMYHEARTTOYOURHEART LET THE HEARTSTORM COMMENCE!" and he was drawn into her feelings!

Deanna and Spock: A Cinderella Space OdysseyWhere stories live. Discover now