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CinDeanna strolled around her castle looking at all the pretty things like the candelabras and the antique French tea sets. I wonder if that came from the Picard family, she wondered. They were her French neighbors down the palace's cobblestone street and they made beautiful French tea sets, including salt and pepper shakers and the creamer and sugar containers. She put wallpaper over the rock walls to civilize the place even more and they were all beautiful striped and in deep plum and scarlet colors with golden accents.

She looked at the wallpaper again because she saw a weird section of the wallpaper wasn't there anymore, and in its place was one of those plain squares from that other room she was in yesterday. She concentrated really hard and suddenly the wallpaper was back! She suddenly felt very dizzy and a little tired and told the maid she had to sit down.

She was sitting on a large multi layer water fountain that was thirty feet tall and provided shade on warm days like this. There was a gentle breeze in the air and she wasn't thinking about anything in particular, just feeling. Suddenly she started feeling kind of peaceful and she saw a glowing woman in a white dress come walking toward her and then seemed to turn solid. She had large buns of brown hair on the side of her head on both sides, and had a kind smile.

"I'm Princess Lea and I'm here to help you," the lady said. "Oh my it's nice to meet another princess," said CinDeanna. "But why do you think I need help?" "Because you obviously want something or you wouldn't be so sad walking around by yourself." She had a point and she realized that she missed the prince.

"I miss the prince" said CinDeanna. "I can understand" that said Princess Lea. "You know your mind is a very powerful thing and it can do magic. I have it too, it's called the Force. That's how you got to the ball and met the prince in the first place."

"But that was my fairy Godmother," said CinDeanna. "No, that was me, don't you recognize me?" said Princess Lea. "Oh wow, I thought you looked familiar" said CinDeanna.

"So what is it you want this time," said her fairy Godmother.

"Well, I want to stay here forever and ever only I'm feeling kind of tired now, but I deserve love. I feel like I never think about my own needs very much but I don't know why I feel that because I have everything I want here and I'm very nice to all the peasants."

"Then stay here forever you shall! Just remember to never lose focus of where you want to be!" She took out her magic wand and silver sparks shot out the end.

CinDeanna was blinded for a moment and when she opened her eyes again, the Princess Fairy was gone! This had been a very strange day indeed and she got up to go find the Prince.

Behind a tree CinDeanna didn't see an entity called Q was laughing.


"Now remember, Spock, you have to be out of there by the last stroke of midnight tonight. The walls of the Holodeck are sapping all her psychic plasma energy so we need to put her in a lead lined stasis chamber for at least an hour to regenerate her body or she'll die!" said Dr. Beverly Crusher as she was fixing the collar of Spock's Prince outfit.

"I understand, Dr. Beverly, and I will get her out of there. Nothing can resist logic, so I will be immune to her fantasies. Remember nothing in there is real, it's only a figment of her imagination." said Spock

"But remember Spock, Deanna is a powerful psychic and has to be handled delicately. Her psyche might not take reality very well, so be advised. She is also supercharged with plasma so be especially careful or you can get hurt. You might end up in her fantasy for all time in your head too if you don't leave by midnight. The clock is ticking." said Dr. Beverly Crusher.

"I know. I have studied all the manuals on Betazoid physiology and I'm 99.546% certain that my brain membrane has been reinforced enough through years of Vulcan meditation rituals and training to withstand the pressure. I will not fail." said Spock.

"May the odds be on your side" said Captain Jean Luc Picard. And with a simple nod Spock turned and walked through the holodeck doors.


CinDeanna was still looking for her prince when she heard a noise that sounded like a hiss. She turned around and saw the giant main entrance doors opening, billowing smoke as they opened. Her tall, handsome prince charming came out of the smoke slowly and walked toward her. Something about him was...different, she thought, and yet he was exactly who he was supposed to be, her one and only Prince Charming!

For a moment she thought she saw some weird little metal doors closing behind him and a weirdly lit hallway with a group of people in strange jumpsuits, but the smoke was so thick she was sure she was imagining it.

"Where have you been, my prince?" said Cindeanna. "I have always been right here for you, my love," said the Prince in a rather stiff voice. Whatever was wrong with him?

"You need to listen to me" said the Prince. "Anything you say," said CinDeanna. "You are not a Princess and I am not a Prince. We are on a starship and this is all fantasy created by a psychic plasma storm created by your Betazoid physiology during a freak tribble attack, do you understand?"

Deanna and Spock: A Cinderella Space OdysseyWhere stories live. Discover now