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A day after the Death Star

Captain Picard leaned back on the leather couch in his tight Captain uniform putting his feet casually on the Bajoran coffee table with the command of a captain. His bald head which on a younger or less commanding captain could look like a sign of weakness, gleamed in the light of a nearby double star system, making him look instead even more noble. He was pondering Deanna's question...was he happy?

As thoughtful as he usually was he was a practical man and didn't like thinking about unimportant things such as personal emotions. He was a captain damnit, not a Betzoid! He had important commanding things to do like deciding which direction to drive the ship to and what upgrades his ship needed. And yet her question intrigued him...

"Let me put it another way, there anything I can do to make you happier?" Deanna moved closer on the couch and batted her long eyelashes. "Computer, lower lights 3 microlevels and play some soothing music from the 1990's." Whitney Houston began singing "I will always love you" as the Captain suddenly realized what was happening and suddenly stood up.

"Deanna, I hardly think this is appropriate, you should return to your work station," and yet he was unconvincing. What a fine time to not be commanding, he thought to himself.

"Captain, I can sense you're not telling the truth"...and seeing him turn sintillated she said "Oh my...maybe I'll call you Captain Dickhard from now on!"

Just then the lights flickered and everything went dark. And just when she was about to let go of her inhibitions, too! Captain Jean Luc Picard's commanding voice came over the speakers "All crew in the Holodecks, stand by. There has been a technical problem with the power due to some tribble activity in the vicinity. We have to connect a few more wires up here on the bridge to restore any power to your area. Lights will be up shortly. That is all."

The lights suddenly came back on and she was standing alone in an empty holodeck, unsatisfied and the mood was totally ruined. She didn't usually think of Captain Picard that way but sometimes a girl had to have a release, right? It was better than jumping his commanding bones for real...

Determined to enjoy her vacation she went to her Plan B: "Computer, please start Cinderella Program A41." The holodeck instantly became a beautiful castle on Betazed and she was in a blue ballgown with big poofy things on her hips where she had a pocket for her compact and her lipstick. She had brought it along in case she played Cinderella and then she applied it now. Silver glittery lipstick was very pretty and always left a huge kissy mark on the Betazoid Prince Charming's mouth when she kissed him. It looked like pixie dust.

"Where oh where is my Prince Charming" she said playing the character of Cinderella. She looked down at her feet and there were the Dilithium crystal shoes from the story. She softly clanked around the castle on her heavy shoes and looked for the Prince. It was a game they played and once she found him she got to have her way with him! Sometimes she'd have to fight a dragon that looked like a mouse that had been transformed into a giant dragon sitting on top of an giant evil looking pumpkin with barbed wire stems!

Suddenly he appeared around a corner and took off running. "Ha ha, you can't catch me! You run like an old stepmother!" He knew all about her upbringing but she loved him because he didn't care about her past. She was a princess because he loved her and that was all that mattered. How she hoped and dreamed this was real!

Just then the lights fluttered again and went out. Great, she thought. Darn tribbles! But then there was a flash of plasma lightning and her hair all stood on end pouring into her Betazoid physiology....she felt so weird, and just when she thought she couldn't take it anymore everything went black again!

She woke up in a very strange was covered in large square patterns on the floors and walls and was completely empty. Oh my, that prince must be up to his old tricks again!

She looked down at her dress and said out loud, "I'm awfully overdressed for such a plain, boring room! Oh I wonder where my Prince Charming is!" Just then a voice boomed from all over, "This is Captain Picard, we ask that you all exit the holodecks so we can exterminate the tribbles with the pest plasma gas." What the heck did that mean? None of this made sense! Where was her prince and her castle?!

She wished and wished and wished she could go back and her heels clicked together and suddenly her hair stood on end and released energy into the walls. Her beautiful castle appeared and she was back home. She sure had stories to tell the prince once she found him....magic was everywhere nowadays!


"Is everything set," said Captain Picard? "Almost," said Worf. Worf looked at his panel and said "But Denna is still in her Holodeck and I can't turn off the power and the doors are locked! I think she's trapped!"

"Well, she doesn't seem to be alarmed at all. Computer put Deanna on the viewscreen so we can see what she is doing." And she came onscreen dancing with a very handsome prince, and making out in a garden spinning around.

Picard leaned over to the microphone and said "Deanna I know youre having fun but you need to exit the holodeck, now."

"Captain, this is Gordi, and I'm sorry to say she can't hear you...something is wrong. Some kind of Plasma force, but a Dark kind of Plasma Force is preventing me from shutting down the power or her program, and all the doors are locked. She is sealed in!" said a speaker nearby the captain.

"Why the devil isn't she exiting", said the captain. Just then some kind of energy wave went through the ship and everybody stumbled and messed up their hair except for the captain because he was lucky not to have any hair to mess up. And all of a sudden the captain felt giddy and happy and like he wanted to dance.

"May I have this dance, Mr. Worf?" "Why I thought you'd never ask Captain!" and they started dancing. Everybody on the ship was dancing with everyone else and they all started making out, just like Deanna. But after 10 seconds they snapped out of it.

Data who was the only one not affected said "I think I understand what happened, Captain. Deanna is stuck in a combined psychic plasma state where her dreams become realities. The tribble trouble forced her to use her own energy to run the holodeck program and must have somehow confused her in the process. That's what is happening. And she's so happy that she radiated a psychic sensory wave that overcame all of your simple human brains."

Worf gasped and clutched his battleth handle, "But she is only a person and she can't run that program forever! She isn't even eating!"

"According to my calculations I predict that she will run out of psychic plasma energy and die tomorrow night at the last stroke of Midnight." said Gordi.

"In my ready room everyone, we need to figure out a way to save Deanna Troi!" Later on, after a lot of arguing with Dr. Beverly Crusher, it was agreed that the only way to save her was to get a Vulcan to mind meld with her and bring her back to her senses. And there was only one Vulcan he had in mind.

"Number One it's time for us to pull out the big guns. Hail the original Star Ship Enterprise. They were pulled through a timewarp hole last week and are just 2 lightyears away at that stars outpost, upgrading their ship with the cloaking devices we all got after winning the Klingon war." he said.

"I still love her," said Riker, "And I swear I will do anything I can to rescue you Deanna. Anything."

"A very fine sentiment, Riker, a very fine sentiment, but let's not put the Shakes before the Speare." And then the Captain laughed.

Just then they heard a Chinese accent come over the intercom, "Hello? This is Sulu, is anyone there?"

The rescue had begun.

Deanna and Spock: A Cinderella Space OdysseyWhere stories live. Discover now