Chapter 3

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I woke up the next morning feeling like someone had run over my heart with a semi-truck.And, in case you didn't know, that's not a good feeling.

With a sigh, I got up and showered and got ready, not sure what I was going to do today, since we were driving.I groaned and lied down on my bunk, face in my pillow."Andy?"

I felt my heart lurch as I heard Ashley's voice, but I sat up and turned to look at him."Hey Ash. What's up?" I asked, faking cheerfulness.

"Well, me and the other guys were planning on playing poker. Wanna join?" he asked, seeming a little nervous.

I gazed up at him, taking in the details of his face. His long, silky black hair, beautiful tanned skin. His wondrous honey brown eyes that made me melt, and that twinkled slightly when he laughed. And his lips. His light pink lips that were so soft when they were pressed against mine...

"Uhm.. Nah I'm good I think I'm just gonna work on some new songs and stuff." I said, my heart racing.

He shrugged, "Alright then." he said. He hesitated, looking like he was going to say something else, but shrugged then left, leaving me with my thoughts.

- - -

A few hours later, we were at our next venue spot, along with the buses of the other bands we were touring with; D.R.U.G.S. and Falling In Reverse.Which I was grateful for, I desperately needed Matt.

I hopped of the bus and walked over to the D.R.U.G.S. bus, knocking on the door. The door flew open and Matt was standing there, in only a pair of black and red flannel pajama pants."Were you just sleeping Matt?" I asked, smirking slightly.

He scowled at me, "Noooo. I was lounging." he said, then, as his eyes met

mine, his scowl turned into a look of concern, "Are you alright Andy?"

I bit my lip and shook my head, "Not really."

He blinked, "Hold on. Let me get dressed and we'll go talk somewhere private." he closed the door then emerged a few moments later in faded black skinny jeans and a black tshirt.

We wandered around for a few moments in silence until we found a little area wheelchair ramp behind the venue building... with a railing.We looked at each other and smirked, then faced each other straddling the rail. "So, what's wrong Andy?"

I told him everything that had happened. Matt had known about my feelings for Ash ever since we had first started talking, getting to know everything about each other. Oddly enough, as I went through the story, I didn't cry. Something about talking to Matt, no matter how bad the subject, made me calm.

"I'm so sorry Andy." he said gently when I finished speaking.

"It's gotten harder Matt." I admitted with a sigh.

He schooched closer to me and pulled me into a hug. "You gotta move on Andy. He doesn't deserve you.. You deserve someone who actually loves you," I felt him take a deep breath, then his next words shocked me to no end, "Like me."

He released me, and I stared at him in shock, "You... Love me?" I asked, stunned.

He nodded, gazing into my eyes, "Yes, Andrew Dennis Biersack, I love you." he whispered, then leaned forward and pressed his lips against mine.

Everything in my concience was screaming at me not to, but I kissed back, even though I was only doing it to try and get over Ashley.

But I could learn to love Matt... Right?

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