Chapter 7

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Thursday night finally arrived and I nervously waited for Jinxx to come get me for the show.

"You alright babe?" Matt asked, wrapping his arms around my waist and kissing the top of my shoulder as I applied my war-paint.

"Yeah I'm fine I'm just nervous to face Ash tonight." I replied, setting my eyeliner down and turning to face him, wrapping my arms around his neck.

"I know it might be stupid to say this, since you're in love with him and I'm extremely jealous and all, but you should try and make up with him. I mean, he was your best friend before all of this happened, right?" he said. I felt a small smile tug at the corner of my lips. His jealousy was cute.

"Besides you and probably Jinxx yeah he was." I admitted, "Then everything went to shit."

"I admit, he has been sort of an ass lately," Matt replied, agreeing with my very thoughts, "But don't let this ruin your friendship with him. You have to spend time around him eventually. We won't be touring together every single tour."

I sighed and kissed him, "Yeah I know. I wish we were though..." I paused then said, "But then agaiiiinnnn.. There will be other bands..."

"You need to make up with him Andy." Matt said, cutting me off.

I sighed, "Yeah, I know. But after the other night, I doubt he'll even want to talk to me."

- - -

"Thanks guys you've been fucking amazing tonight!" I yelled into the microphone and ran off stage with the other guys, the screaming of the fans muffling slightly as we got backstage.

"Great show guys." I said to the guys as we entered the dressing room.

"Fucking exhausting though." CC said, still slightly panting, plopping down onto the red leather couch (how cliche...), using a towel to wipe sweat off his forehead.

"Maybe you'd get less over-heated if you were shirtless like me." Ash joked, wiping war-paint off of his body with a towel identical to CC's.

I glanced over at him and felt my face flush as I quickly looked away. It was always a bad idea to look at Ash after a concert. His body was always amazing but the sweat just... Ugh.

"Jake would like that." Jinxx muttered and I looked over at him in confusion.

"What was that Jinxx?" I asked as Jake tensed next to him.

"Nothing." Jinxx said quickly. A little too quickly. Which, of course, triggered CC's curiosity.

"WHAT DID YOU SAY?!" he yelled and pounced onto Jinxx, jumping onto his lap, causing Jake to frown.

"Ow fuck CC get OFF!" Jinxx shouted, trying to pry the drummer off of him.

"TELLLLL MEEEEEE!" CC whined. As they struggled a bit more Jinxx finally snapped.

"I said Jake would like it if you were shirtless ok?!" He snarled, then froze realizing what he did. Jake glared at him, looking completely and totally betrayed, then ran from the dressing room, slamming the door shut behind him.

"Jake wait!" CC called out, running after him. Jinxx sighed and got up as well, probably off to go see Sammi.

Leaving Ash and I alone.

"Ashley?" I asked softly, not looking at him.

"Oh, so you're finally using my first name again?" he demanded coldly. I flinched slightly, but I knew that I had deserved that.

"I know I was an idiot." I said, looking over at him at his vanity, wiping off his warpaint, "And I know I shouldn't have screamed at you like that."

"No, you shouldn't have." he agreed, then sighed and ran his fingers through his bangs, "And I should be apologizing as well. I honestly was only dating Lexy to hurt you...." he trailed off, finally bringing his gaze away from mine.

I felt as if I had been hit in the gut with a ton of bricks. I had accused Ash of doing that, but it was just that. An accusation, "Why?" I finally managed to choke out. 

"Fuck I don't know Andy!" he groaned, resting his elbows on his knees and gripping his head tightly between his hands, "I saw you kiss Matt from the window of the bus and I just... I lost it a bit and thought the best way I could get back at you was to hurt you so I stupidly asked Lexy out."

I stared at him for a moment. The only reason I could think of him doing this to me was that he liked, or loved, me too. Hell, I had wanted to hurt him too. But that was impossible, Ashley was as straight as a fucking ruler. I slowly got to my feet and crouched in front of Ashley, so our heads were even heights. "Ashley, look at me." I said.

He slowly lowered his hands and lifted his head, his honey-brown eyes meeting mine. I slowly placed a hand on his cheek, then leaned forward and pressed my lips to his. I felt him tense for a moment, then his eyes closed and he slowly began to kiss back as I closed mine, his hand moving on top of mine. We jumped apart as we heard a pained gasp, and by the look on Ashley's face I knew what he saw behind me was not a good thing.

I slowly turned around and saw Matt standing in the doorway, hand pressed over his mouth, unshed tears shining in his eyes. He turned and ran from the room and I yelled, "Matt, wait!" I looked back at Ashley, who was staring at me in confusion, then I got to my feet and ran out after Matt.

"Matt!" I yelled, then caught up to him and grabbed his arm, "Wait a sec please."

"I told you to make up with Ashley, Andy, not make out with him." he whispered, pain clearly in his voice, making me flinch.

I was so screwed.

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