Chapter 6

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Ash just stared at me in shock, "You . . . You love me?"

"NO SHIT ASH!" I screamed.

"I –I didn't know that" Ash stumbled. Oh bullshit.


I couldn't take him anymore. I'm just going to let all my hate out on him right now. I took another long drag of my cigarette and stomped it out. I looked back at him and yelled "And! You know what this is the 'best' part about this" I said making air quotes when I said best "is that you told the rest of the band, who may I say are my BROTHERS that I'm gay and that I'm dating Matt!"

The rain kept pouring and at this point I was soaked. Ash wasn't because he had an umbrella with him. I grabbed another cigarette and lit it waiting for Ash to say something. He must have snapped out of it because he said calmly "I thought that after that you stopped. I thought that you stopped and that you moved on. My guess was true when I saw that you and Matt were dating. " Ashley started to get aggravated and yelled "And when to comes to the other members about you being gay? They are fine with it, hell they SUPPORT IT!" 

"PURDY just STOP! You don't stop loving someone that easily. And after what you have done to me, I don't trust you anymore. I may love you, but right now, I can't stand you" I said. 

I finished my cigarette and went up to Ash and said "Now if you don't mind, I have to go be with my boyfriend who needs me right now more than you slut needs you"

I walked back to the D.R.U.G.S bus just mad at Ash. I tried to get rid of the thought but it didn't work. I put my head down and continued to walk. About 10 minutes later I looked up and I was in front of my bus. I sighed, thinking about going in, but not. I couldn't deal with the guys right now. I turned on my heel and said "Wrong bus".

I walked away earing muffling insie the bus. I must have said it loud enough because I heard the bus door open and Jinxx yelling "Andy! Hey wait up!" 

I ignored his pleas and just kept walking. I heard him run up to me and he got in front of me and said "Dude, what's up? Everyone has been worried sick!" Jinxx said out of breath.

"I just can't do it Jinxx. I can't stand to be in the same space as him. I love him and I just can't stand him." I said trying to go to the D.R.U.G.S bus.

Jinxx shook his head and said "Understandable, but are you really dating Matt?"

I looked at him through my hair that was matted to my face do to the rain. I sighed and said "Yeah,. Yeah I am.  And I have to go be with him right now. I'm going to be staying at the D.R.U.G.S bus until I figure things out. It's a good thing we are on tour with them. Whens our next show?"

Jinxx checked his phone for the date because he keeps the dates in it. After a minute he said "Not till Thursday, so that's three days.  I will come and get you when we have to come on"

"Thanks Man" I said and walked to the D.R.U.G.S bus. I knocked on the door and Craig answered. He must have known that I wanted Matt, well it was completely obvious. Craig just got out of the way and let me in. I walked in and couldn't see Matt. "Hey where is Matt?" I asked

Craig smiled and said "He's in his bunk. Oh yeah Andy, I just want to let you know that me and the rest of the guys completely support you and Matt"

I smiled back and said "Thanks I really appreciate it"

I turned and went to Matt's buck. I opened the curtain and said "Hey babe can I ask you something?"

Matt turned over to face me and his face light up like a Christmas tree. He face started to turn red when he said "What?"

"Well" I began. I bite my lip trying how to ask this, so I decided to just wing it. I sighed and said "Me and Ashley had this huge argument I just can't even stand being in the same space with him.  So I was wondering, since we are touring together, if I can stay with you for a while?"

Matt smiled, leaned in and kissed me. I smiled and kissed him back. We both pulled back and smiled. Matt shook his head and yelled for the rest of his band members to come over. When everyone was there he asked "Hey guys, Andy had an argument with Ashley so is it okay for him to stay with us until he figures things out because we are touring together?"

Everyone nodded in agreement and he looked at me and said "Well it's settled then. Now you my love need to put on some clean clothes, dry off, and come and sleep."

I nodded in agreement so I grabbed Matts Batman pajama pants and his Misfits shirt and went to the bathroom to change. When I changed and dried my hair and went back to Matts bunk and lied down. I leaned over, kissed him goodnight and went to sleep.

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