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Liara's POV


If anybody were to take a picture of us right now and show it to me in like ten years from now, I would die of embarrassment.

We are all standing outside the mansion's front door, dressed in black from head to toe; black ski masks, black shirts, black pants, black jackets, black gloves, and black boots. Everything except our eyes and mouth is covered. 

Nessa had tried to convince us to wear sunglasses as well but we couldn't see through them because it was already dark enough. Of course, we are seriously regretting our choice of clothing since it is really warm and we are sweating continuously.

Sam is trying to pick the lock with the tools that Ness has brought with us. I have no idea why we are letting that idiot pick the lock. Oh, wait! I do, it's because she said and I quote 'it's in my bucket list to one day pick a lock'. I didn't even bother asking anything after that.

It's been twelve minutes according to my phone since she started picking the lock, we are still standing, waiting anxiously. If it goes like this we will be here till tomorrow.

The girls seem to agree with me because suddenly Carol shoves Sam and takes the pins from her and insert them in the lock, moves them around a bit and we hear a click and the door opens.

She stands from her crouching position, throws the pins in the duffel bag, dusts off the imaginary dust off her pants and gives her a smug look, "And that, ladies, is how you do it."

It's silent for about a total of five seconds, then Maddy asks the question that we were all thinking about asking, "How did you know how to pick a lock?"

"There are things that are better left unsaid.", she says mysteriously while waving her hands in front of our faces to add to the effect.

I let out an annoyed sigh at the fact that we had to wait twelve mins when she could've done it in ten seconds but waited for Sam to give it a try. Speaking of Sam, she is pouting and looking at the ground, looking like she's about to cry.

"Well, what are we waiting for?", Vanessa asks and walks by Carol to enter the house. Sam enters next, shoving Carol on the way. I let out an amused chuckle. 

The shove wasn't hard at all, it was there just to get the point that Sam is upset with Caroline across. The silence from Sam won't last long, it never does. Maybe ten mins, fifteen is max.

We enter the house and tiptoe across what looks like a really big foyer. At least that what I can tell since it's like pitch black in here.

"Okay! Here is what we are gonna do, we will split up. Carol will take the left side on this floor, Maddy will take the right side; Sam, check the gardens on the backside; Nessa take the right side on the floor above and I will take the left side."

"Noooooo!!!", Sam yells suddenly which leads to Maddy letting out a scream.

"What now?", I ask Sam in bored tone but it's Ness who answers me.

"Liara, seriously, haven't you ever watched horror movies. Whenever the people split and go in different directions, it makes it easier for the ghost to take down its victims one by one. Hence, why people should just stick together. Haven't you heard the saying 'Unity is strength, division is weakness'."

"Guys, nothing is here and look at the bright side, if we split up we will cover more ground in less time and get out of here faster.", That seems to convince them and without any further ado, we all went our separate ways. Nessa and I climb the giant staircase that was situated in the middle of the wall that was opposite to the entrance.

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