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Caroline's POV

"They both were so pale.", the sound of Vanessa's voice snaps me out of my reverie.

"What are you talking about?", I ask.

"You know the two brothers who live on our street, the pranksters, yeah so last night I was coming home when I saw them running to their home. I stopped and asked them what was wrong and they told me, it took them a while to get the sentence out since they were stuttering so much, that they had heard the rumors of the house at the end of our street is haunted. So, naturally, they wanted to check it and they did.", she says with wide eyes and numerous hand gestures to get the point across.

Maddison, always the naive one, asks interested, "Then what happened?"

"Let me guess,", Liara says with mock seriousness, "they saw a ghost." Always sarcastic, our Liara.

"Yeah, they did or at least claim to.", replies Vanessa with a shrug.

Liara bursts into laughter at Maddy and Nessa's willingness to believe such absurd things while I say disbelievingly, "Come on Ness, tell me you don't believe this. They were obviously lying. You said it yourself, they are pranksters and I wouldn't be surprised if you were the victim of their latest prank."

"Yeah, let's be serious, there are no such things as ghosts.", Liara states in a way that meant that this was a sensible answer and any other answer will be totally ridiculous. Then she mutters to herself, although we all hear it quite clearly, "Next you'll be saying that the stupid doll 'Annabelle' and the stupid clown 'It' are after us." I suppress a chuckle.

"Ghosts are real.", says Nessa. Oh god, here we go again.

"Are not!", Liara fires back.

"Are too!"

"Are not!"

"Are too!"

"Are no-" "Guys! There is an obvious solution to this.", I cut in before they could rip each other's hair out. They all look at me expectantly. "We can just go and see for ourselves.", I answer to their questioning gazes.

"NOO!", Sam yells. We all look towards her astonished. I am actually surprised that she has managed to stay quiet throughout the conversation. Usually, we have a hard time shutting her up. Something about ghosts must have silenced her.

"Why not?", Liara questions.

"Because what if... what if there really are-", she looks around to see if anybody is listening, then leans in and says, "- ghosts?"

"Wow! Do we have look around every time we say 'ghosts' or shall we simply call them," 'they-who-must-not-be-named' from now on instead?", asks Liara all but rolling her eyes.

"But what if there are?", asks Maddy. For the love of God!

"Oh Please! Maddy, not you too!", exclaims Liara.

"Look! Let's just go tonight and see for ourselves. Fine?", I say.

"But-", Sam begins with a pout on her face but is interrupted by Liara, "Yes! I am in. Sam, Maddy, Ness?"

"Fine! But if anything happens to me I am suing you. I mean look at me, I am too pretty to die. And let's not forget the fact that I still have to instill some fashion sense in you guys before I die.", Vanessa finishes her speech with a dramatic hair flip.

"Maddy?", Liara inquires.


"Please Maddy."

"Um... sure."

"Sam?", I ask.

"No!", she replies firmly, crossing her hands in front of her chest for extra measure.

"Sam, we'll all be there, right beside you.", I try to persuade her.

"Fine.", she finally gives in.

"Good! what could possibly go wrong?", asks Liara with a grin.

"Liara!!!", Nessa and Sam yell simultaneously.


"You don't say that!", Maddy says with a groan and buries her head in her hands all the while muttering something along the lines of "Now, we're doomed. We're all gonna die. Tell Mr.Cuddles that I loved him"

"Why not?", inquires Liara.

"Haven't you watched horror movies? Whenever somebody asks what could go wrong, something definitely goes wrong. And I don't know about you, Pikachu, but I don't want to die.", Sam says panicking hysterically.

"You're just being paranoid, Sam. Everything will go just fine. We'll prove that ghosts don't exist, I am sure sometime tomorrow we will be sitting here and laughing at ourselves for believing in something so utterly preposterous.", I say.

"'Preposterous? '", asks Liara with an eyebrow raised in my direction.

I smile sheepishly, "My word-of-the-day calendar." All four of them let out 'Ahh' as if it explained a great deal. What can't I say something intellectual once in a while? Being a tomboy doesn't mean I'm dumb as fuck. 

"Anyway, lunch is about to be over. We'll meet at my locker after school, Okay?", I ask.

After hearing a jumble of 'yes', 'fine', 'sure' and 'uh-huh', we all stand to go.


It is now home time and we are all standing in front of my locker. My locker is located just before the corner. "So, we'll take Vanessa's car, right?", asks Maddy.

"Yeah, it's an SUV so it will fit the five of us and we can keep the supplies in the back.", I confirm.

"Supplies?", asks Liara.

I look at Nessa and we both smirk at Liara. "Sweety, if we are doing this, we are going to do it properly with black clothes, black masks, and all the tools; bolt cutters, lock picking pins, heat-detecting camera, binoculars, walkie talkies, etc."

"And where are you getting these things?", Maddy asks with a curious look.

"Leave that to me.", replies Nessa, cryptically.

"I am just glad you didn't say a revolver.", Liara says with a relieved expression.

"I knew we were forgetting something.", I say to Nessa. The look on the girls' face was priceless. I, along with Nessa, burst into laughter.

"Whatever! we'll come to your house at six.", we all say our goodbyes and leave to go to our homes.

Little did we know that somebody was around the corner listening to our conversation.

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