Ch. 19

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"Miles, you're a dumbass." Wyatt said. "We already had one problem now you had to go and the Faker escape."

"For the last time, I didn't let her escape!" Miles yelled in defense before growling lowly. "And forget the Faker! My lab is destroyed! It'll take a life and a half before it's rebuilt."

"Forget your fucking lab!" Rosy yelled. "If the Faker finds a way back to Prime, she'll stop (Y/a/n) and ruin the entire plan! I want my own dimension!"

"When was the last time you even heard from her after she stole my fucking plane?" Miles asked to all of them.

"I called but someone else answered." Wyatt confessed. "It sounded like my Anti but I'm still not sure. But I at least know (Y/a/n) lost her ring."

"Great." Scourge muttered under his breath and walked over to Miles, looking down at him. "If this plan fails, it'll be on your ass. I want my own dimension."

Miles just stared up at him, not wanting to respond. He knew what Scourge is compatible of and he's seen multiple bodies that had to be buried. He didn't want to be the next.

"Now, when did the Faker escape?" Scourge asked him.

"Earlier today, around 3am." Miles answered.

"And why the hell were you talking about a light?" Rosy asked.

"I was checking on the Faker and the light destroyed my lab." Miles explained. "Not even a light, it was a person. That's who knocked me out."

"Did you see their face?" O'Knux asked.

"No, they were wearing a mask." Miles answered. "But they were tall. But before I fully blacked out, I heard the Faker and them talk."

"What did they talk about?" Twigs asked.

"Faker asked who they were and whoever it was said they were the guardian of something." Miles said. "I had blacked out by then."

"Ok, well no way Kintobor would allow the Faker in his lab." Scourge said. "So, we have all the time in the world to find Faker and the light."

"But where could they be?" O'Knux asked.

"It's a small island, they couldn't be that far off." Scourge said. "I want them alive."

"I wanna kill them myself."


After the two had acquainted, they made their way over to the jungle on the island. Being out in the open, like in the village and on the beach would only increase their chances of being caught. Being in the jungle at least decreased their chances but not completely eliminated their chances.

They didn't intend to stay in the jungle for the time being. They at least wanted to get through it and get near the chasms. (Y/n) knew as a fact that no one went near the chasms as much and she hoped that it was the same in this dimension.

"What does the chasms entail?" Blaze asked.

"It's a guaranteed hiding spot until we can go to Kintobor." (Y/n) answered.

"Why not just go now?" Blaze asked.

"We could but we need a ride there. Plus, the Antis may be looking for us." (Y/n) said.

"Valid point." Blaze said. "We'll need to find a plane. Wait, doesn't Miles have a plan?"

"He does, but what I've heard from him, (Y/a/n) stole it to fly to Kintobor's to impersonate me and go to Prime." (Y/n) said.

While the two continued to talk and walk through the endless vines, they weren't aware of a pair of eyes stalking them. Those eyes had been stalking them from tree to tree for a while.

Blaze, who was following (Y/n), stopped in her tracks. (Y/n) stopped hearing her footsteps so she stopped as well and looked back at Blaze.

"What's wrong?" She asked Blaze.

"Something doesn't feel right." She answered. "I feel like we're being watched."

Suddenly, a blow dart flew right past Blaze. It was only a few inches away from her neck before it stuck into the ground. (Y/n) gasped and both girls turned to see where the blow dart came from. They had saw no one in any of the trees above them. But they heard a faint mutter.

Before (Y/n) could realize it, she was getting her arm pulled by Blaze as she now led the way. While Blaze led the way, (Y/n) looked back to see a figure carefully but quickly walking from tree to tree, following them.

"Am I going the right direction toward the chasms?" Blaze asked her.

"Uh yeah. Keep going." She told Blaze, still glancing back at the figure every now and then only to see the figure get closer to them. But at a longer glance, (Y/n) realized it was Twigs with her blow gun and blow darts. Didn't take that long for them to start looking for us.

Blaze had just started to see the chasms and ran faster just as Twigs aimed at (Y/n)'s back. Right when Twigs shot, it had just barely missed (Y/n)'s foot just as Blaze and her ran into the chasm area and started to make their way through the maze-like trail.

Twigs stood on a sturdy branch right at the border of the jungle and the chasms. Just like in the Prime dimension, no one went near the chasms for fear of being clumsy and falling. So, with a faint curse, Twigs went back into the jungle, leaving them alone for the time being.

They didn't bother to look back to see if Twigs was still chasing them and kept running through the chasm. Only a little light shown through the cracks and led their way.

Soon, they got to a clearing and finally took a much needed break. Not only to rest but to come up with a defense plan in case the Antis decide to ambush them.

It was only a matter of time.

Sorry for the shitty chapter. I promised you guys a chapter this week. I leave for vacation tomorrow for two weeks and I still have a lot of packing to do. But this is the best result vs. whatever the hell I wrote last night. Bye until later.

Sonic Boom! Series! X Female!Reader 2: Battle Against ThemselvesWhere stories live. Discover now