Chapter 3.)

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• Ivy's POV •

From around the corner where I stood barefoot, I saw my parents sitting on one couch across from Lewis and Caspian Griffith. They sat in awkward silence awaiting me I assume. Lewis; Caspian's dad, wore a blue dress shirt and black dress pants; meanwhile, Caspian wore an all black tux. My parents were, of course, dressed fancy, my dad in a tight tux way to tight for his age, and my mother's tight dress was bejeweled from head to toe. She looked like a Barbie doll on crack. Real classy mother, I thought rolling my eyes.

As for one person in particular; Caspian, I was oddly concerned, yet very curious as to why he was here dressed like that. The Caspian I knew only ever wore a t-shirt, and sweatpants, maybe jeans with his letterman's jacket every now and then. Seeing him here, in my house, dressed fancy sitting next to my parents irked me at the same time it did confuse me. Knowing my wicked parents, this couldn't be good at all.

First off just taking one look at him revoked me. Ughth! look what they've already done to him. Made him into a fancy valet, in this case probably a pawn to their evil schemes. They better not ruin him like they did my brother.
Secondly, Caspian Griffith wasn't just any random teenager. Well I take that back he was truly a kid at heart who was completely innocent; however, what I mean is Caspian was dating Thea. My best friend. This just made me wonder more why he was here. Although it honestly excited me for when I'd get to gossip to Thea later, tell her that her boyfriend was for once dressed up. I know she'd laugh at that.

Snapping me out of my thoughts, my mothers head turned towards where I stood.

"Ivy dear?" My mother called loudly just as I ducked behind the corner, my back glued against the wall. "Ivy were waiting for you?!" She shouted again thinking I was still upstairs. I put on my best smile, taking a deep breath then flipped around the corner to face them.

"I'm here mother."

"Ahh, how lovely of you to finally join us." She smiled. Then she looked at my dress with a smug look. It clearly didn't meet her approval.

I looked down nervously at my shoes as I walked towards them, my dress swiftly flowing behind me. Then remembering who I was I looked forward, self-assured, chin up with a smile as a came over to our 'guests'. I was a lot of things, and right now; nervous, but if there's one thing I wasn't it was unconfident.

"Hello." I cheered to them as best I could.

"Hello, Ivy," Lewis said. "Glad you finally came to join us."

"Good evening." Caspian nodded in a deeper voice than usual. He doesn't do 'sophisticated high-class' very well. I can see right through those rosy cheeks of his. It's easy to tell he feels like a complete idiot right now. I simply nodded back to him with a smile, then took a seat in the chair at the end closest to the lit fireplace.

"Well," my father started with a musky tone. "Now that we're all here together, I think Claudette shall break the news?"

"Oh yes of course dear." My mother grinned. There was something wicked about it. She looked like she was getting what she wanted, from the way she sat to the way she smirked then looked to me. She cleared her throat looking to Lewis and Caspian once again. "Caspian." She gently grasped his attention. "Ivy." She said then turning to me. "It gives no pleasure to tell you both this. However, I must. In fact, I have to."

"What is it Mrs.Rose?" Caspian spoke uneasily. My mother sighed then gulped one final time before spitting out the very words she for 18 years so longed to get out.

"You and Ivy are to be married, June 1st, 2019. Exactly one year from today." She gulped, grabbing onto her knees which were still crossed. She looked down, although her eyes wandered around the floor waiting for our reaction. But she didn't get one. It was total silence now. I was in shock and Caspian was too. He stared at her face looking like he could snap at any moment. I, on the other hand, looked down at the floor. I wanted to yell at her, scream 'how could his be?!', but I knew if I fussed with any of it tomorrow I'd be sorrier for myself then I already was right now.

"Listen, guys," Lewis started with a long sigh. "This-this has been Arranged for a long time. Since you were both born in fact. There's nothing I could do to stop it," he sighed Turning to me, "Ivy, you know I don't like your folks but this is just one of the charms of being their business partner." He said defeatedly slightly throwing his hands in the air.

I nodded. "Yes, Mr.Griffith."  My parent's eyes both glared at him immediately. They never had liked each other which was why it was so ironic they had been business partners for 20 years. Lewis and his wife May were very nice and generous people. Always kind, gentle and sweet. I loved them more than my own parents, they were always acceptable to me growing up. That's how I know this was my parents doing. Lewis wouldn't do such a thing to harm anyone or especially his son, let alone make him marry into the family Lewis hated most. It was all my parent's fault really. But how? How had they done it? Just when you think they can't do something more cruel or more sinful they do. Making me marry a boy I had only ever went to school with and talked to never.

"So.. what exactly does this mean?" I asked unsurely.

"Well, your parents suggested that it'd be best if we both talked to you two separately. if I take Caspian home and, you know talk to him there while your parents do the same here."

"Oh-o-ok." I gulped. I groaned internally. My parents 'suggested it'. Of course, they did so they could punish me without any judgment from Lewis and Caspian. With no one around they could do anything they wanted if I dared talk back to them.

"Well, we best be going now." Lewis smiled slapping his hands on his knees as he stood up. "C' mon casp." He said as Caspian got up without a word, turning then leaving. He didn't even look at me or my parents. His face held disgust and anger. As they walked away their backs to us Lewis placed his hand on Caspian's shoulder. Caspian quickly shook his hand off aggressively. My parents then turned to me from where I sat in front of the burning flames.

"How do you.. feel? Honey?" My mother tried to budge my emotions, but I didn't let her. Once I heard the huge manor doors shut with a loud thundering sound I got up and speed walked to the door. My abrupt decision to leave made them worried. "Where are you going, Ivy." My mom didn't even ask like it was a question, more of a statement. I paced quickly until I arrived at the huge oak doors, then sliding to the right. I swiftly moved the drapes out of my way with my hand and hid under them looking out the window on my tippy toes. Not that I needed to only because I was perplexed. I watched Caspian and his dad walk to their light blue truck that stood out like a sore thumb in our huge, long, fancy driveway. I saw Lewis say something to him, but Caspian yelled back from the other side of the car. They didn't get in for awhile mostly Caspian yelled at his father, his hand still on the door handle.

"Ivy. Come back here now please." My dad's harsh voice came from the living room.

"I'm coming father," I yelled back, taking one last look at Caspian and Lewis. They got in the truck and began to leave. Now I should leave too. I turned to walk back, ready for any nasty comments I would receive from my immoral parents.

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