Chapter 10.)

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Ivy's POV •

My eyes slowly opened. Birds chirping from outside my window, filled my head as I laid on my peacefully. My eyes peeled over to my alarm clock tired and drowsily. It read 11:46. I flipped to my back slamming my hands down beside me. Just then I heard the speaker on the wall start to talk.

"Ivy are you awake?" Came Caspian's voice from the other line.

I sprung out of bed hopping to me feet. I ran over to it and hit the reply button holding it down.
"Yes- I am now." I said hurriedly. I heard laughing from the other end.

"Good, I've called this thing like 5 times."

"I'm a pretty heavy sleeper." I replied lifting my arm up scratching my head. "Oh shoot! We're supposed to go out to eat for lunch today!" I slammed the palm of my hand on my forehead. "I'll get ready to go now, just let me get dressed."

"Ok, just meet me downstairs when your done."

"K." I answered running over to my closet to pick out and outfit. Find something.. casual? I decided on A light blue flowy dress with tiny white flowers on it. It was the most casual thing I could find. I added a tiny rose gold necklace and some earrings to match. Then lastly I slipped on white sandals I had laying on the floor.

I did my face with some natural looking makeup in the bathroom, then combed my hair taming it down. It was naturally straight, so I decided just to leave it that way for today.

I walked out of the bathroom and straight to the stairs. I easily turned to the front room, where I saw Caspian sitting on the couch holding his knees looking out the windows.

His head quickly turned to me in surprise.
"Ready to go?" He asked standing up fixing his crinkled shirt. He had on a grey V-neck and some jeans. His thick head full of hair was messy and fluffy, but I didn't mind, it looked better that way.

"Yep, I am now." I giggled. I grabbed the keys off of the table next to the front door.

"You were sleeping for a while, I'm starving," He grumbled holding his stomach.

"Did you sleep in too? Or are you an early bird." I laughed.

"Nah I slept in, just till nine though."
"I'll drive." He nodded to me as he walked to me with his hands out. I threw him the keys not even looking as I did. He caught them then continued to walk out the front door with me.

He unlocked the car with the keys with the click of a button, then opening the door getting in as I did the same.

He started the car pulling out of the long driveway and we were off.

I sat in comfortable silence simply looking out the window, listening to the radio. Caspian began to talk, rambling on about a new video game he was playing with his friends called 'Velocity' or something. He was just doing it for the sake of talking. I've noticed he really likes to, he does it non stop.

I, on the other hand were to busy thinking about jack. The pizza place we were going was where jack and I first met when we were little. We had been friends for a long time in elementary school, then during middle school we stopped talking. I went my way, and he went his. Until highschool. I was the most popular girl in school for putting up a mean persona, while he was known as the school's top hot bad boy. When we got together it wasn't a surprise to anyone. We just made sure to keep it a secret from my friends, that way they couldn't say anything around my parents and they wouldn't find out. Although I kind of wish they had. If they had they would've made me breakup with him, and that probably would've been better then staying with him.

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