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I woke up to the sound of my alarm for work and quickly got up and check my emails, first one Grace. SUBJECT: You go, girl!

Hey chick how are you feeling?

Don't you worry, his friends looked after me all night, especially one 😉. Josh (oh he was so fit and made me breakfast in the morning!) said that Rideon had been checking you out all night! You need to see him again, loosen up have some fun 😉

See you at University tomorrow,

Gracie xx

I couldn't help but, laugh at her I could never go wrong with her she was always so positive and down to earth, I'm going to miss her a lot. My mind begins to wander as my physical self gets ready for University.

It's strange missing someone you hardly know, seeing his face whenever you go to sleep wondering if he will just show up miraculously wherever you are. Like watching out the window right now and just seeing his face peer up to me with a subtle shy wave, the imagination can trick you especially when you're scared.

Is this right to feel this way about Rideon, if I have to go and vanish into thin air in a couple of months. It's not fair on him, but the situation is never fair on me, I can't live my own life and I can't figure out what I want to be if we just keep moving.

Studying was one of the things I loved, I remember doing my A levels were is was one of the best times of my life. I was allowed to stay an extra 2 months and managed to get them done in that time. I remember how proud I was of myself and how determined I was, now I'm that little bit older I can't feel that way without thinking I'm in the wrong place.

I've been having this recurring dream. A nightmare, night terror whatever you want to call it. I never remember much but pain and screaming, I was thrown into a tree and this dark large figure growls at me, lurking towards me. I was scared, alone. "Elizabeth you are just as beautiful as your mother." The figure comes forward and scrapes his claw's into me and I wake up.

I blame Twilight and the Vampire diaries, for stealing my young mind and opening it up to the world of the paranormal.

Taking my headphones out I concentrate on getting to class, I forget how I got here from my deep thought but head up to class. Running up the steep steps which tangle slightly to the left, the hallway filled with art inspired me as I turned into my lecture hall. The white noise of voices circle the air and I spot Grace. I walk towards her and she realises I am coming towards her and smiles.

"Hey, hows you?-"

"No no no, don't just start with what I want, to the juicy stuff, come on, tell me then." she leans back and raises an eyebrow.

"There isn't much to know..." I groan.

"Oh so you play that card, have you seen him since?" I sit down next to her and get my stuff out of my bag.

"No, but I can't stop thinking about him..." I'm saved by our lecturer David coming into the room.

"So, today's lesson will be interesting, at least I hope you find it interesting in some way. Also, I hope you have read through at least one chapter of your chosen book" He puts his briefcase down and connects his laptop to the projector. I haven't even started reading my book, panic floods my mind I need to start reading it at so point, but there has just been so much going on.

"Don't think this stops you from carrying on our conversation," Grace whispers to me, giving me a stern stare with her eyebrows raised. I roll my eyes dreading it.

"So within History of Art, there are weird and wonderful times which connect pieces of art together, today we are focusing on the mythical side before your brain automatically thinks of greek mythology-no. I'm talking about the times of folklore, how they have been turned into nightmare stories, chick flicks and fanfictions." David then began to show us pieces of art that reflect on the dark ages of time where witches, werewolves, vampires and everything else in between were seen as creatures that lived among us and how artists show them secretly working in society. My mind flashed through the pictures, making notes of the perspective which the creatures were taken into. Some were heroes, villains, gods and just crazy people. Grace raises her hand when questions are being asked.

"Do you think that the art shows an insight or mental health problems within the artist? such as them thinking they are one with these creatures, one of the paintings suggested a truce or alliance with werewolves, is there any chance the artist sees himself within one of these sides?"

"Good question Grace, that brings us to your essay which I will be asking you to do in your own time, you must write summaries of your book linking to the subject given today." Everyone  in the classroom groans, David smiles at this, "Hey you guys aren't the ones who have read through all of them and have to mark them amongst other important paperwork, it can be a paragraph even- I'm not asking for much." He sighs, "so you will need to research your family history and see whether there are any links to the time periods the painting show, then you will need to research a given supernatural creature to study. This side up until Ashley's row will be doing vampires, " he gestures to the right " this side up until Grace will be doing witches and then the rest of you will be focusing on werewolves." I write down werewolves into my book, smirking as I do, remembering the book I've chosen is called Lycanthropy. "Please do not use the modern-day view on these characters I want only folklore and studies which are found, that will be all your are dismissed, see you when I see you, make sure to hand it in by the end of the month.

We all stand up and get our stuff together, I wonder how I will be able to do my family if I don't know anything about them. I know my parent's names, their surnames but I'm scared of what I will find out.

"Rachael, may I talk to you?" I lift up my head to see David looking directly at me a slight smile comes to my face before I nod my head and he looks back down at his laptop. I glance at Grace and she shrugs her shoulders, then we make our way to the front of the lecture hall. By the time David turns to me, everyone has left the classroom and Grace waits outside for me.

" I know this might be difficult for you, considering your circumstances, but why not ask Charlotte for her family history if that becomes a problem then research a family name which pops up when you type in werewolves it might be hard, but if you manage to pull it off I will give you some extra credit." I smile and nod shyly, but appreciating his help, he turns to me with a piece of paper in hand. " I also want to give you this..." He hands me the piece of paper. I read the title "home learning programme" and glance up in shock at him. "You're a good student Racheal I don't want you to miss out on the opportunity to not complete this course, I think this is something you should think about if Charlotte needs to get up and move when you haven't finished your course."

"I've been asking Charlotte if we can stay longer, but I will bear this in mind when the time comes, thank you, David, it means a lot." I smile realising I can finish this course.

So many things have been left unfinished, Rideon comes to mind and a look down, my smile falling.

"It's nothing, you better go Grace is waiting outside." he smiles and then turns back to his work.

"Thank you, sir." I begin to walk out and open the door.

"Rachael-"I turn around and face David again, "I look forward to reading your essay," he smiles and I leave the classroom, feeling a weight has been lifted off my shoulders.

"What was that about?" Grace asks.

"Just stuff about the assignment," Grace nods, understanding and we make our way out of the building. "He also gave me this." I hand her the piece of paper. She reads it while we walk.

"Oh my God, this is amazing this means you can continue to study even if you do move again!" She smiles genuinely and hands the piece of paper back to me, "When you do go if we lose touch I will kill you. Oh my god! Maybe I can come with you?" I laugh at her question "what I'm serious about..."

"I don't think Charlotte would be very happy with that, to be honest."

"well, I tried." She sighs

I wish things could be different.


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