8. Repairs

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Walking to work, the events of the previous night loom over me. Wondering if they were the ones who were looking for us, the thought scares me and I realise I had walked past work down another street. I look back but someone calling my name makes me turn around.

"Elizabeth!" A dark-haired boy shouted, he looked as if he was stunned when I faced him. He stared at me with an unknown emotion and then his eyes changed to a glowing blue, my eyes widened and I ran around the corner, into work, racing straight into the toilet. I caught my breath but flashes of those eyes came back every time I closed my eyes.

Maybe it was the reflection of a sign, the lights of a car, it must've been something. He knew my name, that was the scariest part. The part which made my breath stop.

"Rachael ?" My manager's voice sounded soft and worried. "Are you alright? I saw you rush in here in a hurry is something wrong?" I composed myself as much as I could but my voice was still shaky.

"I-I'm Alright." I know it wasn't very convincing and I sighed in frustration.

"May I come in?" His voice was filled with worry, I knew that John wouldn't hurt me, even thinking that, would be nonsense. I open the door, gently by the lock and pull the handle towards me softly. His face was relieved and he hugged me. Whispering that he would walk me home and he wouldn't need an explanation.

His words were due to the many talks which Carly and him shared. The same old story about mental health breakdowns and PTSD left from my family's death. I've been wrapped in bubble wrap, to ensure I don't freak out. I remember once when I blacked out... I woke up and Carly said we had to move, that's when she got me a new medication to keep me in check because I'm crazy, obviously. I feel my breath go ragged as John takes me out into the open air, he sits me down on a bench and tells me to count to 10, slowly, saying Mississippi in between. It calms me down for a moment, distracting me from what I had just seen, but as soon I remembered his eyes came the panic rushing back. Why did that boy look so familiar? I would've looked at him better but Carly told me to run if anyone other than her called me Elizabeth, I was naive to stand there and question how he knew my name. I regret it now.

"Come on, 1, Mississippi, 2, Mississippi-say it with me Rachael please." I try to say the words but my voice rattles, voices become white noise in my thoughts. I try and stare at a piece of ground while we get up and walk. Sooner or later we are at the door of my house. "Will you be okay? Carly told me that she had to go away for work and if anything should happen to tell you to just take your medicine and rest. Will you be okay with doing that?" I nodded and fumbled with the keys from my pocket to unlock the door.

"Thank you, John" my voice breathless.

"Don't worry, I'm here if you want to talk and take tomorrow off, don't worry." I smiled and opened the door.

My head felt as if it was too heavy when I closed the door behind John. His kindness surely settled me, but my instant paranoia can't understand why this keeps happening. For that reason specifically, I take Carly's advice and take a tablet, hoping that sleep will come and soothe me. To lend a hand with falling asleep, I grab my laptop and look through my family history essay. Opening my computer, it lights up and the home screen reminds me of why


My hands begin to shake again and my head spins. Who was that the boy I saw today? Have they found us? I panic and throw my laptop at the wall.

What the fuck have I just done! All my work is on there, my assignments, my course work, all saved, nowhere else, but that laptop. Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god. I pace up and down and pick it up to see what damage has been done.

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