14. Blood

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I wake up feeling like a zombie, I feel as though I've just closed my eye for one second and I've woken up. I look at the time on my phone and see it's 1pm, how have a slept for 13 hours? I groan as I get out of my bed, stretching my arms and walking downstairs.

"Well, hello, sleeping beauty!" Carly says as she hears me come down the stairs, with a sarcastic tone.

"Morning-Afternoon," I groan at myself for making my mistake, I hear Carly chuckle as I walk in to the kitchen to make my breakfast.

"Sleep well?" I give her a look to make her stop with the sarcastic tone, but her eyes widen and I'm taken back. "What?" I ask dumbfounded.

"Your eyes." She said and then she her cup down on the side, she come closer to me examining me.

"Are they red?" I ask, unsure why they were glowing. I look in the reflection of the microwave and gasp. They were glowing red for no reason, usually there was a reason or the voice in my head would be angry, but she hasn't said anything.

"Are you feeling okay? Did you have another dream?" She asks worriedly, her eyes darting around my body to check if something was wrong.

"I feel fine, I didn't even dream last night, it didn't even feel like I slept." I panic, looking back at the microwave and shutting and opening my eyes imagining them going back to their normal dark green state. It wasn't working. "They aren't going!" I yell in frustration, Carly seeing I'm getting panicked so she fishes through the cupboards frantically, then pulls out a packet of walkers Ready Salted. I give her a look as if to say and what are they going to do? "What you could be hungry? Eat them." She says firmly, I take the packet of crisps, open them up and eat the whole packet.

"They still there?" I ask hoping, Carly looks at me blankly.

"Uh, no," I groan again out of frustration, then look back at the microwaves reflection wondering why they were still glowing.

"I wanted to go meet Grace today, she's been asking if we can go shopping for ages but I've just let her down too much to not go today." I sound like a child as I whine.

"Okay..." Carly walks off going through some drawers. "How about these?" She put some sunglasses over my eyes and I look in the microwave to check if they are hidden and you can't see them, but going out with sunglasses on will make me look like a twat.

"I can't wear these!" I yell taking them off.

"Well, they are your only option right now." Carly raises her eyebrows and I let out a defeated huff before putting them back on.
"Why are you wearing sunglasses?" Grace asks laughing, part of me wishes I could strangle her.

"Pink eye." I mumble and she lets out a gross noice. I cruse my self at the only valid excuse I could think of.

"Rachael!" I hear a voice from behind me and a warm feeling overflows me. I turn around to see Rideon walking faster to catch up with me. He had probably seen me stare in to the shop window as I past it to meet up with Grace. He stops in front of me but doesn't look at me, worry fills my thoughts.

"Do you mind if I talk to you quickly?" He asks finally looking at me, he looks over to Grace. "If you don't mind, it's kind of important?"

"Yeah, I don't mind, I will just wait here." I watch her as she takes out her phone and sits down on a bench behind her.

"Let's go somewhere private" I nod at his suggestion and he takes me down one of the ally ways close to my house. He stops and then looks at me then passes left and right a few times.

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