10. Pills

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I woke up feeling numb. My body ached and my stomach hurt. I rolled over and emptied my stomach over the floor, coughing from the strain, I hear Carly rush in. I feel her rub my back softly and shushed me to calm me down. I look at her. And she gasped.

"What?" I ask, rushing to the bathroom to clean myself up.

"Nothing, just please calm down no one here will hurt you we just want the best for you." I frowned in confusion, why would anyone hurt me? I brush it off and look at my reflection in the mirror, I jumped back in panic.

My eyes were glowing red...

"Sorry sir, I think you have the wrong-" My mother was cut off by a loud thud of my grandfather's fist hitting the coffee table. I jumped in shock and shuffled backwards scared.

"No!" His eyes flashed red and he looked at my mother with hatred. I look towards mum and she's as shocked as me, I see that Jason has peeled his eyes away from his phone there's one positive to this.

The memory ran through my head, I felt myself panic and my head grow lighter with the lack of oxygen. My vision began to become dark and I started to hear Carly's voice etching me to calm down and breathe.

"Elizabeth!" A dark-haired boy who looked as if he was stunned when I faced him. He stared at me with an unknown emotion and then his eyes changed to golden amber, my eyes widened and I ran around the corner into work racing straight to the toilet. I caught my breath but flashes of his eyes changing came back every time I closed my eyes.

The memory of the boy not older than eighteen -who looked so familiar- with the glowing amber-yellow eyes. I felt myself scream but no noise came out of my mouth. Everything was dark.

I was curled up in a ball in a black room my breathing heavy yet no sound came out of my mouth. I looked around trying to see anything. Then I saw two moving red lights, I studied them trying to form words but I couldn't tell what I had just said as there was no noise.

"They've put us aside." Her voice was sad and soft yet sounded just like mine. I kept watching the small red lights in front of me, light steps echoed into nothing. "Medication to help us they said, do they have any idea what they've done?!" She shouted and then growled like a feral animal. "Elizabeth, I need you to do something for me. Don't take the pills." My eyes widen as the red light come closer and a figure begins to form. "Let us out."

My body felt like it was on fire, I groaned. I opened my eyes to see Carly with a worried look on her face. Part of me wanted to throw into a fit of anger and tear her apart, I think she could tell.

"We should double the dose of your pills. What happened, was-"

"What happened is your fault." I cut her off with my harsh words. "What are the pills really for, huh? Because I feel like I'm going crazy, so they aren't working. You might as well tell me, what is wrong with me."

"Grace picked up your laptop for you-"

"Don't.Change.The.Subject." I didn't feel myself, I felt like there were two sides to me right now, but at the moment I feel proud for standing up for myself, I'm tired of being lead away from the truth. I can protect myself, Carly made sure I could, so why doesn't she just leave.

"It's in your genes-"

"Don't give me the same bullshit that everyone has been giving me for my whole life. I've been lied to, my whole life, it's time for that to come to an end!" I shouted, my mind full of anger, I wanted to fight the aggression but it was too strong.

"It's in mine too." I was silenced and slightly satisfied with the answer, as part of me knew. "I just know how to control it, this aggression your feeling right now, It will only get worse, if you don't have control. The pills let you control it-"

"No, they make it worse." My voice sounded sad, it felt like I couldn't control anything, my thoughts, my speech, I felt trapped. "Why were my eyes red? My dreams-"

" It means you're stronger than others." Others? "You're right though, you should know some of the truth, just not all of it, I need time okay?" I nodded feeling calmer.

"I saw a boy the other day, his eyes were glowing blue," her head snaps to me and her eyes widen.

"Did he say anything to you?" Her voice was concerned.

"No." He knew my name but I didn't want to tell her that, she would insist we move. I didn't want to leave, I didn't want to leave Grace and Rideon behind. For once I felt normal, with them around, well up until now that is.

"Elizabeth, I need you to stay calm okay?" She sighed and I scanned her face curiously. She closed her eyes and then opened them to show me her glowing yellow eyes, my breathing hitched. "It's a side effect of the...illness," I knew she was lying this was more than just some illness, but before I could question her more, the aggression faded away and I felt calm. It was as if something inside of me had stepped down and was happy with what she had just shown me.

Tell her, you don't need the pills and that I will hold back until I'm needed.

I hesitated to tell her, but I know if I don't find out what happened last night, things will only get worse.

"I have this voice in my head." She nodded, letting me know she had it too, "They said that they'll hold back and I won't need the pills anymore." She sighed and got up from the bed.

"I guess it's my turn to trust you..."

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