Chapter 7

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They were back at the room where they met before, Jiyong frustration clear by the look of his ruffled hair and deep creases between his eyebrows

"My scouts reported to me while you interrogated the witch, they said that the witches completely secured the south of the continent, no way in at all." Jiyong stated. He is leaning against a wall, facing the seven younger men in the room.

Jiyong continued," Those witches is up to something, certainly nothing that would benefit us."

"When did they ever not? " Jungkook muttered, hand crossed on his chest.

Jiyong ignored him.

"I trusted all of you the most and I believe no one else are suitable for this mission besides you. A mission that I'm about to give you will most likely cost you your life." Jiyong eyed seven of them.

"That sound like a happy mission." Yoongi said, sarcasm coating every single words.

Jin glared at him.

"I'm just joking." Yoongi murmured.

"We are honoured to complete whatever tasks you entrusted upon us, Jiyong." Namjoon said, stopping them for bickering further.

A proud smile formed on their leader's lip.

"Go there, hunt down any witches and bring them, alive , to your cabins near the border to do an interrogation then you could finish them. Don't stop until you obtained an answer."


"Can't believe she did that." Hoseok muttered.

It was two hours after Jiyong dispatched them and left them currently advancing southward, swords out. The sun had already vanished, leaving them with the light of the full moon as their only guide in the forest.

"We can't really blame her." Taehyung replied, hearing Hoseok.

"Yeah. No one can ignore the fact that she's a witch too, despite her relationship with Jiyong. Despite her motherly treatment towards us. " Jin said from the rear, half shouted because of thei distance.

"It's in her blood, the violence. Just like other witches. The only difference between her and the witches we hunt is that she loved. Care." Namjoon add infront of them.

"I know. It's just..." Hoseok trailed away.

After a few moments of silence, Jimin's sad statement returned the grim look on all their faces, " She was so desperate. Looks so utterly broken." They knew what he meant.

The whole land were shocked about the news of a witch, now a disgraced heir of her kind, marrying Jiyong, a man famous for the title of a leader of witch hunters he bore. So shocked they couldn't believe it, two sides who had been enemies for centuries, loving eachother.

Not many of them knew that she had given birth to a daughter before, a daughter she was forced to left behind and was absolutely devastated by it. So terrified of what her mother would shape her into.

"What, Taehyung? You look like someone asked you a hard mathematics questions." Jungkook asked the older. Indeed, Taehyung's face shows how disoriented he is.

Taehyung hesitate whether to tell them, what had Dara had asked him to do, pleaded him to. He glanced his friends, now their relationship close enough to be called brothers by anything but blood.

He sighed.

"Dara waited for me outside the room, stopped me, dropped to her knees, and asked me to spare her daughter if i ever crossed her path " Something that he were trained not to do. Had sworn to himself would not do.

The others knew this and stilled.

"What are you gonna do then? " Yoongi asked, as softly as he can.

Dara had been a mother to all of them. Had been so kind, so caring, so understanding.

"I don't know." Taehyung murmured, torned between duty and desperate wish of a mother

The other seemed to be as well, contemplating.

Namjoon spoke first," I'll follow her wishes, it's the least we could do to return her kindness."

The other hummed in agreement.

A rustle of leaves set them on their full alert, positioning themselves for a fight.

Then a witch step up from behind the shadows of the trees, white hair reflecting the moon's light. Fine blades in the grip of both her iron-nailed hands.


They had found them while on their guard duty.

"Informed the Queen." The one with the white hair said, iron nails now out, ready to slice anything in its path.

"But, sister let me-" the other one were cut of by the white-haired witch's glare.

"Go, now." She snarled and the other witch were gone, like she had never been there.

She smiled, drawing out her blades.


"Oh my witches." Jisoo's grandmother said beneath her breath.

The fight going on in the clearing, the seven men winning the fight, they were damn good. How they ducked the quick blows of her witch, how they thrust their swords with lethal accuracy.

The only thing keeping her witch alive is that the Witch Hunters needed her to be.

She clenched her jaw.

"Did you bring a bow and an arrow?" She asked towards the witch who came bursting in to her chamber, telling her news of what's happening here, who is here.

"Yes, your majesty." The witch said.

Jisoo's grandmother extended her right hand and the witch placed the weapon on top, knowing what her queen is gonna do and why.

The queen released an arrow, precisely hitting its target right through the witch with the white hair.


It has been three hours after the arrow had pierced their first prey. The arrow had come unexpectedly, from nowhere. The witch's body is sprawled at the edge of the far side of the clearing.

His six friends are now sitting together eating dinner that they hunt before.

"What are Dara's daughter's name? " Jimin ask, mouth full of food.

All six other males stop munching on their food. They glance each other like doing so would give them the answer Jimin seek.

"I don't remember." Hoseok finally said.

Jimin looked towards his other friends to see them shaking their heads. He slumped against a tree.

"Then how the hell are we gonna know if we're not killing her?  For all we know that witch over there is her." Jimin said in frustration.

"When someone you grown to believe is a straight up an angel that couldn't even hurt a freaking ant suddenly kill someone else, you are quite overwhelmed by shock , Jimin." Yoongi pointed out.

Out of the blue, four figures, standing side by side appear a few feet in front of them, females by the length of their hair.

They instantly get their feet beneath themselves, swords now out again, ready for another fight.

"You could keep your pretty little toys to yourselves." One of them said before any of the males could step forward.

"So that you could sliced our throats off? " Taehyung said in a mocking tone.

"Why would we do that? We want to bargain." Another voice said, this one sweet on the ears.

"We don't bargain with witches." Jungkook snarled.

One of them chuckled.

"We are not witches." Another said, her voice a lovely husky one.

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