Part 1: Prologue

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Cyrus' POV

The air is muggy, stripped of its ability to cool me down as I step onto the grass. A few white clovers flatten under my shoes. Usually, I'd try to avoid stepping on them, but I have too much on my mind today to even notice until it's too late. 

The park is quiet this evening. I guess most parents don't take their kids out when the sun is setting, but it's the perfect time for me to come here to try to unscramble the thoughts that have been streaming through my head since this afternoon. I don't want to waste any more time on someone I can't have. I just need to move on. But I like him so much that I'll need a miracle to get over him. 

I sit down on the swing where I was earlier today, only now I don't see TJ beside me. My eyes wander down the chain links of the empty swing next to me. I have to catch myself when I begin to wonder what TJ is doing right now, this time saying out loud what I've been repeating in my head since this afternoon. 

"He doesn't like me. He probably doesn't even like guys. It would never work."

The words taste sour on my tongue, but they shouldn't. He was never mine to begin with. All I'm doing is stopping this crush from turning into anything more. I don't want to like a boy I can't have. 

"This is just another crush," I tell the empty park. "It will go away. I can get over him."

The only response I get is a whistle from the breeze as though mocking my statement. Yeah, I don't believe me either. 

As I gaze around at the tall trees that envelope the park, I spot a glisten of sunlight underneath a rock at least twenty metres away from me. I drag my feet on the ground to slow my swing to a stop before stepping toward the bright white speck. As I get closer, I realize what it is. The piece of folded up paper is sheltered from the wind by the giant stone, and it's still in good condition, letting me know that it can't have been here for very long. 

Curiously, I reach down to pick up the paper, sitting criss-cross as I open it up to see what's on it. I expect to see some doodle of a flower or an elementary schooler's love letter, but instead I'm faced with an outpour of emotions in black ink. The very first line is all it takes to keep me captivated: I feel weird. 

When I finish reading the long note, my eyes are stinging slightly. I think I forgot to blink. If any other person had picked up this note, it probably wouldn't have affected them much, but I felt every word on the page. 

I don't even take the time to fully formulate what I want to say before I reach into my pocket to pull out the golf pencil that I still haven't returned, flip over the paper to show the blank side, and start writing. 

A/N: Hello! Thanks for reading! For clarification for those who may need it, this prologue actually occurs at a time later in the story (I will mention in the notes exactly when the prologue comes next). Also, this is way shorter than all the other parts will be, because it's just the prologue. I really hope you all like this story, because I'm really excited to write it. I love all of you so much! Please comment everything you think at every point while reading. I love reading the comments. I'll see you again soon with the next part.

How to (Unsuccessfully) Get Over a Guy | TyrusWhere stories live. Discover now