Part 4

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Cyrus' POV

I understand what you mean. I don't think anything was as scary as coming out for the first time. Thankfully, I had some really good friends to talk to. When I realized I was gay, it was because my best friend and I both had a crush on the same guy. Crazy, right? I don't like him anymore, but now I'm trying to get over this other guy who is almost definitely straight. I get what you're saying about the world not being made for us. Like, why does everyone just assume everyone's straight, and why are people uncomfortable when someone thinks they're not? How come a boy can hit on a girl, and, if she's gay, it's just a mistake, but if a boy hits on a boy, and he's straight, suddenly it's creepy or weird? I don't get it. I truly don't. I guess I have a whole summer to try to understand it before school starts again. 

And about your brother, your parents may want you to be like him, but I just want you to be yourself.

I replay the letter I wrote in my head as I wait for my friends to arrive in The Spoon. I wonder if he will respond? Maybe he completely forgot about the note he left at the park. He could never even see my reply. I know I don't even know who he is, but reading that note made me feel like I know him, and I just want him to know that he's not alone.

"What'chu lookin' at?"

I snap out of my daydream and turn to see Amber setting down a stack of menus on the table. I'd been staring out the window, but I wasn't paying attention to anything but my own thoughts.

"Uh, nothing," I reply. "I was just . . . thinking."

She nods. "Got a lot going on?"

"Um, yeah, I guess so."

"I see," she says. Then she changes the subject. "Should I bring the baby taters over now, or do you want to wait until the rest of your friends get here?"

"I'll wait," I answer. "Thanks."

She nods and walks away, leaving the menus with me. Soon after, the door chimes, and Andi and Buffy come over to plop down on the chairs across from me.

"Hi," Andi says. "Jonah's not here yet?"

I shake my head. "Just you two so far. I feel like I haven't seen you guys in forever."

"It's been two days," Buffy says with a laugh.

"Two days is too long," I respond. "What have you guys been up to?"

"I've been at home mostly," Andi says. "I haven't done much."

"What about you?" I ask Buffy.

"Oh, I was with—um—I was alone too. What about you? I assume you saw TJ?"

"Yeah," I say, suddenly feeling blue again.

"Is everything okay between you two?" Andi asks.

"Of course. Why do you ask?"

"Well, you kinda look like you want to cry," Andi responds.

I frown. "He said he doesn't like me. And I guess I always knew that. I knew I never had a chance, so it shouldn't get to me, but it does. I just—I really like him, but I don't want to. Andi, how do I get over a guy?"

"You're asking the wrong person," she replies.

"Well, how did you get over Jonah?"

"I don't really know," she explains. "I just stopped liking him. Same as you."

"Try talking to new people," Buffy suggests. "New people often help me forget about the old people."

"And by old people, you mean Marty?" Andi asks.

How to (Unsuccessfully) Get Over a Guy | TyrusWhere stories live. Discover now