Part 9

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"You invited Cyrus to Zach's wedding?" Lester exclaims. "You didn't invite us, and we've known you since third grade."

"It kinda just slipped out," I say. 

"What?" Reed asks, his eyes glued to the television. 

Lester snatches the controller out of his hands, ending the blare of gunshots coming through the speakers. 

"Dude, you're gonna get me killed!" Reed complains. 

One more gunshot causes the screen to go red, and Reed throws his hands up in defeat. 

"If you want to know what happened, then pay attention," Lester orders. "TJ invited Cyrus to be his date to his brother's wedding."

"It's not a date!" I deny. "It's as friends. I was telling him about how Zach is getting married, and the next thing I knew I was asking him to come. I don't know why."

"I know why," Reed says. "You like him so much that you can't help it."

"I don't, though. I—"

"Hold up. This is news to me," Reed cuts me off. "Since when do you not like Cyrus?"

I freeze, debating in my head how to answer that. After a few seconds, I decide it's time to let my friends in on my alter ego.

"Since this."

I take out and unfold the piece of paper from my pocket. My two friends scan it curiously. 

You can always talk to me. And I like talking to you. I guess we're lucky that the letters haven't gotten taken by someone else. Maybe I just jinxed it. I hope not. I don't want to stop getting letter back from you. They make my day everyday and give me something to think about. I don't know why, but it's just so easy to tell you things. Easier than with other people. 

My friends are great and all, but two of them have their romance to worry about, and, while the other cares a lot about me, I don't think she could understand a lot of the stuff we talk about. Although they're my best friends, we definitely differ on some things. Like how it's supposed to thundershower tonight. I've never liked thundershowers, but none of my friends mind them. I get scared by the lighting, which is probably stupid and unreasonable, but I just don't like how sporadic it is. It could strike anything and destroy it. Am I overreacting? Probably. Sorry, this was a pointless rant.

– Eleven

"Why is he named after the girl from Stranger Things?" Reed asks. 

I snatch the note back for myself, saying, "That's not his real name."

"So you don't actually know who he is?"

"Well, no, but—"

"He could be a murderer," Reed reasons. 

"He's not," I say. "He's too sweet to be a murderer."

"You really like the awkward but cute type of boys, huh?" Lester says. 

"I don't try to, but I guess so," I respond. 


"Hey, has Trinity shown up yet?" Heart asks. 

The gym is extra noisy this afternoon due to the thunder outside. Every time it strikes, it's followed by a rumble of cries and screams from the kids, which are matched by Will shouting for everyone to calm down. Although young, he doesn't get scared easily, which means he finds it annoying when other people show fright. Trinity would usually be hugging my leg and burying her face into my shorts every time a crack roars out, but she's not today. She isn't here, which has both Heart and I concerned. 

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