Part 5

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Cyrus' POV

I didn't expect anyone to respond to my note. Actually, I didn't even plan to leave it here. I was just trying to clear my head. But I'm kind of glad you found this. I don't know who you are, but what you said really helped me. It's nice to know that someone gets me. 

I hear what you're saying about straight guys getting all weird when a guy tries to flirt with them. I haven't been out to anyone for that long, though, so I've only ever really considered being with one guy, but he's a guy I can't be with. I guess we're in the same boat. I'm just trying to move on now, but it's hard to just forget about someone who means a lot to me. It's even harder when that someone is one of my best friends, and I see and talk to him literally everyday. Got any advice on getting over a guy? Anything would be appreciated. 

I'm hoping that starting high school will help. My friends say I'll meet a ton of new people there, and I'll forget about this guy fast. I sure hope they're right. Maybe I'll join the GSA club. Or maybe I won't. I guess it depends on how confident I feel about myself by then. I want to branch out and try new things, but it's also kind of scary doing that. It's new territory, and I like knowing where I am and where I'm going. Then again, I'm writing back to a stranger right now, and I have no idea how you'll respond, so maybe uncertainty isn't all bad. 

Sincerely, Seven

The note's written on the back of a long Seven-Eleven receipt in tiny print. I guess I know where he got the idea for his name from. He probably didn't have any paper on him when he found my reply, but he still answered me, which makes me smile. I doddle behind my three friends on the sidewalk to keep them from seeing this as I reread the letter again. 

As I scan the words, my head tries to create a voice to pair with it, and soon I begin to wonder what this boy looks like. He's going into high school next year, which means he's my age. Maybe he went to Jefferson. Maybe he was in one of my classes. I could've met him before, but that seems highly unlikely. I picture him as a blonde-haired boy a bit taller than me with a shy smile and eyes the colour of aquamarine. Suddenly I realize I'm imagining TJ, and I shove the thought out of my brain. It's not him. It's someone else. It's not him.

I tuck the note back into my pocket just before Andi slows down to let me catch up to her. Buffy and Jonah don't even notice that we're not walking alongside them anymore; they're too wrapped up in their own conversation. 

"She gets really awkward when I mention his name," Andi says, motioning to Buffy and Jonah. 

"Think there's something going on?" I suggest. 

"She's playing with her hair," Andi tells me, and I look ahead to see Buffy doing just that. "There's definitely something going on."

Her look of suspicion morphs into a knowing grin as we both turn our attention to the two kids ahead of us. They're completely oblivious to the world around them, and I don't even think they notice when we get to the pancake breakfast. 

The parking lot is buzzing with energy. Kids run around, all eager to enter the bouncy houses that have been set up at the far end of the asphalt. Some teens sit on parking blocks with plates of pancakes, chatting, while others take part in the various activities around the place. 

It's only after we've gotten and finished eating our pancakes that Buffy spots the tug of war match occurring near where we dispose of our waste. She instantly glances at Jonah who raises an eyebrow at her. 

"Don't try to lose this time," Buffy tells him. 

"I never try to lose," Jonah retorts. 

"Oh, so I'm just actually that much stronger than you?"

How to (Unsuccessfully) Get Over a Guy | TyrusWhere stories live. Discover now