Part 8

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Cyrus' POV

"Hey, which suit should I wear?" I hold my phone across the table in The Spoon to show my friends the options. "I like the blue one, but I wore that to my bar mitzvah already, and the red is also nice, and it fits the theme—"

"Cyrus, what is this for?" Buffy interrupts.

"The wedding," I answer.

"Um, we know you and TJ like each other," Andi starts with a chuckle, "but don't you think you're moving a little fast?"

I shake my head as Jonah and Buffy laugh along too.

"Not my wedding. TJ's brother's."

"He invited you to his brother's wedding?" Buffy says. "Like as his date?"

"No. Just his plus one."

"Is that not the same thing?" Jonah asks.

"It's not," I insist, "because TJ doesn't like me, and I don't like him."

Buffy laughs at that. "Since when?"

"Since . . . I don't know. I just don't. Now which suit?" I ask again, trying to change the subject.

I know they'll bug me for an explanation if I say I like someone else, and I kind of want to keep it to myself. I just feel like once I tell them about Seven, it's no longer a daydream, which means I'll have to face the truth that he might not like me. Why should he? I'm just a boy in a letter.

"Are the bridesmaids and groomsmen wearing red?" Andi asks.

I nod.

"Then wear the blue," she says. "It's not good to wear the same colour as them."

"Okay, or I have this other blue one," I say as I show them the phone again.

"That's grey," Buffy says.

"It's blue," I disagree. "It's greyish-blue, but it's blue."

"I like it," Jonah says.

"Yeah? I do too. Okay, I'll wear this one."

As I tuck my phone away in my pocket, Amber shows up with our plates and sets them down on the table. I pull my waffles over to myself and dig in with my fork. While Jonah picks at his pancakes, Buffy's eyes keep flicking over to his food, away from her own plate of hash browns, eggs and bacon.

Eventually, he catches on and says, "Go ahead."

She grins and cuts a piece of Jonah's pancake with her fork to steal for herself.

"Don't take his food," Andi says. "He needs that. He has his ultimate game today."

"It's okay," Jonah says.

"Good," Buffy responds. "Any chance you'll be getting dessert?"

"So you can eat it?" Jonah questions.

Buffy's lips crack into a smile.

"Sure," Jonah answers.

"Good," Buffy says again. "I'll pay."

"You don't have to—"

"That's not a choice," Buffy states.

Jonah quiets, and a smile grows on his face. "Okay."

Andi and I share a glance, both obviously aware of the chemistry between our two friends. I'm surprised I never noticed it before. I badly want to ask Buffy about it, but I know it would become awkward if I asked right now. Fortunately, there will be lots of time to talk to her alone while Jonah's playing Frisbee later today.


Lawn chairs are set up on either side of the field to hold up those who are too proud to sit on the grass. Buffy, Andi and I aren't in that category. We're sprawled out on the green, watching Jonah and his team as they fling the Frisbee around. Buffy's eyes stay especially focused on our friend, for she doesn't even notice Andi and I talking beside her.

"It's funny," Andi says. "I never thought Buffy would end up liking Jonah."

"I think they're cute together," I say.

"Me too. I'm glad it never worked out with me and him."

"You are?"

"Yeah," Andi confirms. "I think I needed some time alone. I realized that I really don't need a boyfriend to be happy."

"Good for you," I tell her. "You're already amazing on your own."

"So are you," Andi says, giving my shoulder a squeeze.

All of a sudden, the Frisbee flies over the crowd and toward the playground. My eyes follow Jonah's teammate as he runs after it. It lands next to a big rock, under which I notice a familiar white sheen. While everyone else's eyes return to the continuing game, mine stay on the paper by the rock.

"I'll be right back," I tell Andi.

I'm up and gone before she can respond, going over to pick up the note on the grass. I smile when I begin reading the message.

Nothing's changed much. I still haven't worked up the courage to come out to my family yet. Even if I do, they're too tied up with my brother's life to pay attention. My sister is the only person I can really talk to about it, but she also has her own stuff to worry about. My brother still doesn't seem to care much about me. I wonder what he would even say if I told him I was gay. He's never even doubted his sexuality. He's always known he was straight, and now he's getting married to the most basic homecoming queen girl there is. That's all anyone in my family seems to care about these days. I just feel like I'm on the outside, like I'm trying to be a part of a puzzle I don't fit into. I'm not sure if you know what I mean or if I'm even making any sense. But I'm glad I have you to talk to. It helps.

– Seven

"Who's Seven?"

I spin around to see Andi standing behind me. I quickly fold the note up and put it in my pocket, but she's already seen it.

"Nobody. It's . . ."

Andi gives me a look of disbelief, folding her arms over her chest.

"He's going to Grant next year," I confess. "He left a letter about how he's gay and has no one to talk to, so I wrote back."

"Is he the reason you don't like TJ anymore?" Andi asks.

I nod.

"Have you met him in person?"

I shake my head. "I want to, but I'm scared that he won't like me."

"Cyrus, he'll like you."

Andi smiles and steps in to give me a hug. Over her shoulder, I notice my other friend approaching.

"You guys just got up and left," Buffy says. "What's going on?"

Andi lets me go, and we both turn to give Buffy 'are you serious?' looks.

"I told you I was going to talk to Cyrus," Andi says. "You were too busy drooling over Jonah to hear me."

Her eyes go wide at the accusation. "I have not— I didn't— Okay, fine! I like him!"

A victorious smile crosses Andi's face. "Obviously! Why didn't you tell us?"

"Both of you have liked him before," Buffy says. "I wasn't sure how you guys would react."

"Buffy, you having a crush is huge," I tell her. "You can like Jonah."

"Besides," Andi says, "it seems like he likes you too."

"You think so?" Buffy asks.

She glances back at the boy running around the field with his teammates then looks to us again.

"Maybe," she says.

"Definitely," I correct.

A/N: This isn't even that long of a chapter, but it took a while to write. Um, I'm going to try to update again today, but we'll see how that goes. Thank you so much for reading! I love you all! Bye!

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