Chapter 7: Animal

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"He kicked our asses," Sasuke muttered as he kicked a pebble across the road as the duo walked home. 

"Yep, he is a Jounin after all, they're supposed to be the strongest," Naruto answered simply. Sasuke glanced at him. 

"And so was that bastard," Naruto's eye twitched at the memories but didn't respond. "We haven't gotten much stronger, we needed a teacher." 

"Screw those people, we tried remember? They denied me and accepted you, I told you to go," Sasuke shook his head. 

"We're in this together, I won't leave you in the dust more than I already have," Naruto smirked, but once again remained silent. 


"Hokage-sama," Kakashi greeted before turning to the rest of the Council and bowed. "Councilmen and Councilwomen," Homura, one of the Third's longest and oldest advisors that has served Konoha for ages, began speaking. 

"I assume they both are both stronger than the average Genin?" Kakashi shook his head. 

"That would be an understatement," He replied, sighing. "Those two are equivalent with mid-tier Chunin," 

"How is this possible?" Hiashi Hyuga asked, doubt in his voice. "They had no teacher, all they had was themselves, how could they possibly be on the same level as our Chunin?" Kakashi ran a hand through his grey hair, obviously coming to terms with this information as well. 

"I don't know. My guess is that they somehow snuck into the library and furthered their education about chakra and such from there, and then delved into the Uchiha Clan's personal jutsu and studies." An O formed at Tsume Inuzuka's mouth, understanding dawning the rest of the Council. 

"I didn't think of that, damn, those brats really are crafty." She muttered. "But I can tell you're holding back on us Kakashi-san, tell us what's on your mind," She said softly, making it sound like it wasn't an order, but in all reality it was. 

Kakashi looked very reluctant to speak but sighed in resignation. 

"They seemed disappointed." 

"What do you mean by disappointed?" Danzo, another elder that served on the same team as Sarutobi had, the other student of Tobirama Senju. 

"They seemed unhappy at their progress, I believe they were comparing themselves to me, and then to Itachi, him having been an Anbu at their age." Hiruzen sighed, filling his pipe with tobacco rather angrily. 

"Itachi was a prodigy and has been trained by the Uchiha since he could walk," He took a deep breath, calming his anger as he then glanced up at Kakashi. 

"This is an executive order, you are to teach them whatever will give them more power so they will be sated and not be swayed to leave the village in pursuit of more power," Kakashi looked as if he were about to protest, but then Danzo spoke up. 

"You can either do that Kakashi, or I will personally take those two under my wing and ensure their loyalty to the Leaf." Everyone in the room remained tense, waiting for the denial by the Hokage, but it never came, Hiruzen's face stone cold as he looked into Kakashi's one visible eye. 

"I, yes sir," He said, all argument now flooding out of his system. "Then I would like to go ahead and request a C-Rank mission in about one month, by that time they should be able to function ahead with Sakura Haruno, and that will give me the time to get her at least a little up to speed." 

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