Chapter 15: Encounter

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"You have to be kidding me. . ." 

"Afraid not," 

"But why?" 

"Gives you experience against a superior opponent, two on one, it should be easy." 

"You don't get it, he's so strong," 

"Quit complaining, Sakura, we can beat him," Sasuke stated as he gazed at Naruto, his two-tomoed Sharingan gleaming. "Yugao-sensei and Kakashi-sensei trained us well." 

"They trained Naruto too you know," She said dryly, glancing at Naruto who sat crisscrossed on the grass in front of them. 

"Doesn't matter, I've been diving into the Uchiha Scrolls, we can beat him." 

"Are you sure, Sasuke?" Naruto spoke, laughing a little, mocking both of his opponents. "You continue to believe that we are on equal grounds," Sasuke growled at the blonde before charging him, ignoring the shouts of protest from both Yugao and Sakura. 

Naruto let out a soft sigh as he watched Sasuke approach him rapidly. A tiny spark ignited across his body before he disappeared from sight. 

"What?" Sasuke said in awe and shock as he spun around, trying to find Naruto. 

"I call my technique, Godspeed," Naruto spoke before punching Sasuke in the gut. "It's from a manga I like," He disappeared again and reappeared a couple of feet from a coughing Sasuke, lightning traveling across his entire body, his hair standing tall and more spiky than usual. 

"This technique is quite deadly, it grants me speed, and a rather cutting edge, literally," Naruto said, his face calm and collected. 

"You mastered it in a month?" Sakura asked, completely bewildered. Naruto nodded. She then turned to Yugao, who was entranced by the said technique. "I give up, Sasuke can fight this one." Yugao absently nodded, but instead of focusing on the battle, she pulled out her sword and slowly approached Naruto. 

"Naruto, I honestly don't know your true power. So far, I have a reason to believe that you are at least Special Jounin, but you've been holding back in our spars haven't you?" Naruto froze but reluctantly nodded. "Okay, Sasuke, Sakura, get back. Naruto, I'm a former Anbu Captain, so do not hold back whatsoever, use everything you got to defeat me." Naruto's face twisted as he had a small internal conflict. 

Should he: 

A. Go all out and possibly hurt his sensei and friends? 


B. Hold back and disappoint them. 

"A-Are you sure?" Naruto asked quietly, almost timidly, surprising Yugao quite a lot, but she hid the surprise easily and nodded. 

"Hold nothing back, or else I'll have you running laps around the village for a week straight," Naruto weakly took off his jacket, revealing a blue long-sleeved shirt. 

"Fine, but please, don't look at me differently," Yugao then felt all her danger senses act up, screaming at her. "Please." 

"What do you-" She began, but Naruto made a single hand sign and a small symbol appeared on his right arm, before fading away and a large amount of chakra kicked up, making the loose dirt and dust spread from around him, almost knocking Yugao back and successfully knocking Sakura and Sasuke back a couple of feet as the grass tried its best to stay put. 

Naruto's eyes shifted from light blue to a crimson red as a three-tomoed Sharingan. Lighting sparked across his entire figure violently, as he gazed at Yugao before his whole demeanor changed. 

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