Chapter 6 - Welcome Home

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Malaina's POV

That was the longest 11 hour plane ride of my life... I thought as I stepped out the cab, in front of my parents house. I walk up to the front door and give a firm knock on the door. My father opens the door and instantly pulls me into a tight hug.

"Oh mija, I've missed you so much. Come! Come! Your mother is going to be so excited to see you!" He pulls me into the house and I quickly kicked the door shut behind me. One step into the house and I'm quickly bombarded with the smell of my mother's cooking. It instantly reminded me of my childhood. Coming home from school everyday to a delicious meal waiting at the table. We ate dinner early in my childhood.

"Mi Amor, look who's here to visit! It's Laina" My dad says smiling brightly at my mom.

"Hi Mom" I walk over and give her a tight hug, missing her terribly

"Oh Laina, hi baby. How are you?" She begins to rub my back and I instantly feel safe until I'm brought back into reality on the real reason I'm here; to get away from Adriano

"I'm fine mom, thanks"

"I didn't know you were coming? I would've made more food to celebrate. Why didn't you call?" She asks in confusion.

"I wanted to make it a surprise. I'm sorry!" I say nervously

"It's okay, mija. We're very happy you're here." I hear my dad say behind me

"Thanks, Dad"

"So, tell us! How's college? How's life in the big apple?" Mom asks me while walking around the kitchen counter, taking a seat at the table

"It's fine, classes just started so we haven't gotten that much work yet. We've just been taking things very slowly" I say lying straight through my teeth. I could never tell them what's actually going on. They'd probably have a heart attack worrying about me.

"Oh that sounds boring"

"Yep, very boring" I quickly nod

"So have you met any hot college boys yet?" Mom says wiggling her eyebrows at me

"Mom!" I shouted in surprise

"Maya!" Dad shouted in disapproval

"What? I just want to know?" Mom says putting her hands up in surrender and I shake my head

"I don't have a boyfriend, Mom. I don't even need a boyfriend"

"That's right, mija" Dad says agreeing with me. I chuckle at his comment

"You won't be saying that for long"

"What's that supposed to mean?" I say raising an eyebrow at her

"Don't worry about it. Now how long are you staying?"

"Um about that... I won't be staying long. It's only a short visit. I'll be here for a few days then I'll be out of your hair and back to school." I smile trying to make my lie more believable. They don't need to hear the truth, Do they? Nope. Not risking it!

"Well that's disappointing, but hey! At least we get to spend time with you while you're here, right!" Mom says in a suggesting tone.

"Absolutely, mom. Well I'm going to head to bed I'm exhausted from the plane ride. I'll catch you guys in the morning" I say getting up from the table

"Estas segura, hija?" Dad asks me

"I just finished dinner‍. Did you not want to eat?" Mom asks concerned

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