Chapter 21 - "Mom?"

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Malaina POV

"So how does this look?" Sofía asked Bella and I, giving us a little spin. Sofía was trying on a short white dress with gold accents all over it.

Looking up from my seat on the couch in front of the dressing rooms, I give her a good look over. She was cute but I didn't tell her that. I kept silent. I had a slight attitude. We hadn't gotten food yet and I was starting to get a bit bitchy.

But Bella however gives Sofía a thumbs up. "Makes your ass look fat."

"Look?" Sofía says glaring at Bella. "My ass is fat." Turning towards the mirror she gives herself a hard slap on the ass, trying to see if it jiggled or not.

It didn't.

Rolling my eyes with annoyance, I ask the same question I've been asking since we got to the mall,

"Can we eat now?"

"No, I want to try on more dresses" She says dismissing me with a wave.

"You said that 2 hours ago!" I whine, leaning onto Bella dramatically.

"Get the fuck off of me, you dramatic ass bitch" Bella mumbles pushing me off her, causing me to fall off the couch and onto the floor with a thud.

"Please?" I beg. "Aren't you hungry, Bella?" I ask turning to her from the floor.

"No. Not really" She admits not paying attention to us. Following her gaze, I watch as she stares at 4 guys outside the store laughing.

Of course.

Looking away from the guys, I watch Sofía pick up another dress to try on. I don't look at the guys again until I hear one of them speak up.

"Hey I'm hungry, we should get some food." One guy suggests.

"Yea, me too."

"Ok, let's go. The food court is close to here." And with that all boys walk off in the direction of the food court.

"You know? On second thought, I am hungry. Starving even." Bella says fluffing her hair as she stands up from her place on the couch. Giving the air a kiss, Bella makes her way out the door and in the direction of where the boys went.

"Ooo, I'm following Bella!" I shout getting up from my place on the floor.

"No! You can't leave me here by myself!" Sofía shouts trying to grab onto me.

"Too late." Jumping out the way, I make my way out the door. Spotting Bella not that far ahead of me, I quickly jog up to her in an attempt to catch up.

Once we got to the food court, we quickly found seats. Not far from the guys, obviously. Staring around the food court, I spot a Chinese place across from me, that had my name written all over it.

"I'll be back" I tell Bella.

"Yea, yea whatever." She says completely ignoring me.

"Ok, then" I grumble as I make my way to the Chinese restaurant.

Ordering my food, I make my way back to my seat and began to stuff my face.

"You know I hate you both right?" Sofía states plopping down in the seat in front of me.

"What did we do?" I ask.

"You guys left me in that store" She points out aggressively.

"Pft, you'll be alright" Bella says with an eye roll.

"It is not alright. I got stuck in the dress. And in the process of trying to take it off, I fell over and flashed the lady in there." She whispers in embarrassment. Giving off a loud laugh at her statement, I watch as her cheeks began to heat up in a bright shade of red.

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