Chapter 23 - Date Night?

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Malaina POV

Adriano's mother has been staying with us for the last 3 weeks and let me tell you, she has not budged one bit.

She still hates me.

I've been trying. I've tried everything to get her to like me. I've invited her shopping, I've tried to help her bake cakes for Sofías parent's anniversary party last weekend. I even brought her back food when Adriano took everyone sight seeing around Rome 4 days ago.

She was going to go until she heard I was going. She supposedly got 'sick' very shortly after finding out.

Bullshit. All bullshit.

She just didn't want to go because I was going but I didn't complain, it was nice not having to impress someone for a day.

I had gotten to learn more about Adriano in the last 3 weeks and he was a pretty nice guy when he wasn't being an hard ass. He'd shower me with gifts and amazing dates. That's right folks. Adriano took me on a total of 4 dates and they were amazing.

I had learned that he was a tough kid in high school. He was sent away his last year of high school to train for the mafia. I had also learned his father was deceased. He didn't go into too much detail about it. I just know he was a major asshole. Apparently Adriano and Bella have another sibling named Stefano. He does his own thing and rarely comes around.

Adriano promises his mother's a nice person but I'd have to see it to believe it.

Adriano's favorite color is crimson red, of course. He doesn't have a favorite movie or book. But he does have a favorite knife and gun. I knew that much.

The more I got to know him the more I began to fall for him.

Yes. You heard it right folks. I was falling for the infamous mafia Don Adriano Francesco Bianchi.

I was falling for the 25 year old man and I didn't want to stop. I knew what I was getting into was dangerous but I couldn't help it.

I was going to tell him tonight but plans changed.

Everyone was going to the movies tonight but I wasn't feeling well so I decided to stay behind.

I've been queasy for the last 4 days. I think it might have been something I ate on that trip to Rome.

I don't know.

Now I've just been laying in bed all day running back and forth to the bathroom when I have to puke my guts out.

"Miss. Malaina?" I hear a voice all out from the door way.

With a tiny groan, I lift my head up from under the covers and shout out a weak response, "Yes?"

"Are you okay? Do you need anything?" Watching María walk into the room with a small package of crackers, I instantly gag at the thought of eating anything.

I definitely did not have an appetite.

"No, I'm fine. I'm sure, it'll pass soon." I tell her weakly as I blow out of breath of air to stop myself from getting sick.

"Are you sure? I can get you some soup and crackers to help settle your stomach." She suggest, while placing the crackers on the night side next to me.

"That'll be great, thanks María." I mean, I should probably eat. I haven't eaten all day and soup should help me feel at least a little bit better.

Giving me a sympathetic smile, she heads toward the door. Bumping into Adriano on her way out, she lets out a yelp.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Please excuse me" María apologizes with her head down.

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