Chapter 20 - Bad Girl*

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!Mature Content up ahead! If you are uncomfortable reading that kind of stuff, skip to the "****". If not, please enjoy.

Malaina POV

"Adriano, please." I plead, trying to reason with him.

With lustful eyes, Adriano makes his way towards me. Pushing me into the wall, rather roughly, I give out a groan when my back makes contact with the cold wall behind me.

Adriano lifts my arms above my head with one hand and uses his other to grip my throat in a tight hold.

"You've been such a bad girl, Malaina" He whispers, craning my neck to the side, making sure to glide his soft lips against my neck. "Let's fix that, yea?"

Letting out a small moan, I let him shove me onto my knees. The pain didn't bother me too much. I was to blinded by Adriano to even notice.

Yanking down his pants, I watch as his dick pops out hitting his taunt abs. I guess I took too long to do anything because Adriano suddenly grabs me aggressively by the roots of my hair and shoves his full length into my mouth.

"Ah fuck, babygirl." He groans out once his dick touched my tongue.

Swirling my tongue around his huge length, I watch as his eyes roll into the back of his head as he lets out a loud moan. Seeing this gives me a huge confidence boost. Wanting to see him wither in pleasure again, I grab onto his huge length with my hand and began to pump him into my mouth, making sure to swirl my tongue as well.

"Shit, baby. You're gonna make daddy come" Adriano groans out, looking down at me with lustful eyes. "And as much as I love watching you suck my dick, I'd rather cum in you than on you" He murmurs out huskily.

My panties instantly got wet after he said that.

Pulling out of my mouth with a pop, I watch as Adriano pulls me up off the carpeted floor.

Picking me up as if I weighted nothing, Adriano throws me onto the bed.

Damn, that was hot as hell.

Letting out a soft sigh, I lick my lips as I watch Adriano kick his pants off completely. Grasping my ankles in each hand, I give out a squeal when Adriano yanks me further down the bed. Reaching for my dark jeans, he quickly slides them off of me without any problems.

"Adriano... Wait. We should talk this out." I say trying to get his attention.

"Shut the fuck up." He hisses out, as he rips my underwear in half. "You weren't saying that before I had my dick in your mouth, now were you?"

"Now you listen here, you little bit-" But I'm cut off as I let out a loud moan when Adriano spreads my lips with his fingers.

Giving me his signature smirk, he begins to rub small circles on me. "Fuck, baby. You're so wet."

"Ah, Adriano." I moan out, rolling my eyes back.

"You're so wet, I wonder how it'd taste." He smirks, "Let find out, hmm?"

Rubbing me faster, my back arches in pleasure.

Spreading me with his skillful fingers, I then feel something wet and warm glide up my center.

I moan out loudly. Was that his tongue?

Adriano Where stories live. Discover now