Chapter 22 - Bitchy Mothers

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Malaina POVs

Coming out of the living room we are met with a beautiful, short, Italian woman. She had on a white pantsuit and pearls. Her tan pumps added the perfect pop of color to her outfit. She had big brown eyes and long lashes that were coated in mascara. Her black and silver hair was curled to perfection and laid loosely on top of her shoulders. She looked so young, considering she seemed to be in her late 50s.

"Sofía, Bella, oh my beautiful girls. How are you?" She asks with a gentle, warm smile.

Rolling her eyes, Bella hugs her mother. "We're fine mama."

Pulling away from Bella, she looks over at me. "And who is this?"

"I'm Malaina García." I smile, raising my hand to give her a hand shake.

"Such a beautiful name." She smiles returning my hand shake.

"Thank you."

"Yea. At the rate she and Adriano are going, she might have a name change in the next month." Sofía snickers from behind Mrs. Bianchi.

"I'm sorry. You are seeing my Adriano?" She asks in shock.

She seemed a little taken back by Sofías comment. I didn't know if I should've been offended or not. So I shook it off and answered her with a gentle smile.

"Yes, has he not told you?"

"No, I'm afraid not." She says giving me a look over. With a look of uncertainty, she makes her way out the foyer and back into the living room a little faster than necessary.

"Uh, should I be worried?" I ask Bella and Sofía once she's out of ear shoot.

"No. It'll be fine. Let's go." Following Bella, we walk into the dining room. Apparently Mrs.Bianchi wanted to have lunch.

I had already eaten at the mall but I didn't want to be rude so I went along with it.

Taking a seat in the dining room, I watch as the maids bring out everyone's food. It was chicken parmesan.

"So, Melissa. How long have you know my son." She asks giving me a skeptical look.

"I've known Adriano for about two months." I nod sipping the wine in front of me. "And it's Malaina" I comment quietly.

Clicking her tongue, she cuts into her chicken. "Two months? And you're already together?" She asks placing a piece of chicken in her mouth.

"Yes, I kno-"

"Hmm, you know Malaysia? I've always wanted my son with an nice, intelligent, Italian women" She says deliberately taunting me.



"You know some like Valentina?" She continued.

Looking at her through my thick lashes, obviously uneasy by her taunting tone, I give her a nod. Not really knowing how to respond.

All I could get out of this situation was that she obviously didn't like me with her son.

"I liked that girl" She chuckles, taking a swig from her wine glass. "What happened to her?" She asks narrowing her eyes at me.

"Mama, stop." Bella states sternly.

"What? I'm just saying, I would prefer my son to be with someone who is more competent to handle my Adriano,"


"Excuse me?" I say finally getting tired of her antics.

"You know with his line of work and all." She smiles. "You do know what he does for a living, right?" I watch as she stares at me, trying to calculate my next move.

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