Chapter 28 - Time

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Malaina's POV

1 year and a few months later

Waking up to the sound of crying, I get up from my bed and look at the digital alarm clock next to me. In big bold green numbers it stated 3:26 am. Releasing a huff, I walk out of my bed room.

"I'm coming baby" I whisper, as I push my baby's bedroom door open.

Turning on the light I walk over to the white crib. Looking down, I see staring right back at me were big hazel eyes full of tears.

The same eyes as Adriano.

"Come here, mamas baby" I coo softly lifting him from his crib. Watching me with his little red face, I place him on my chest and make my way out of the room.

Walking into the kitchen, I grabbed a bottle from the fridge, heated it up, and proceeded back to my room.

Clicking my light on in my room, I walk over to my bed and prop him on a pillow. Placing his bottle on my night stand, I give him an exasperated look.

"Sterling baby. We can't keep doing this every night, son. Mommy needs her sleep too." I whine, looking at my 6 month old son.

Looking at me with smile, I watch as he begins to babble, which caused spit bubbles to come flying out of his mouth.

"Of course. You just want to play." I say releasing a snort.

Walking over to my bed, I play with Sterling for a good 30 mins before he's out like a light again. Feeling to lazy to put him back in his crib, I leave him to sleep in my room.

Walking out of my room, I walk into my living room. You heard it right folks. My living room.

I have my own place. It's a cute apartment. Perfect size for Sterling and I. I've only been living here for 3 months. I moved out of my parents house shortly after he was born. I didn't want to have to rely on my parents for everything. So I got a job as a secretary for this big company, saved up money, which wasn't hard considering how much I get payed, and moved out. My parents visit Sterling and I all the time. They love him.

He's the perfect little baby. He has such a sweet personality. Similar to Adriano's, actually. Sterling has his eyes, lips, head shape, skin tone. He's literally an little version of Adriano. Sterling is best thing thats ever happened to me, I'm glad Adriano got me pregnant. I couldn't image a world with Sterling. The day Sterling was born was the best day of my life. Even though Sterling will never get to know his father, I gave him Adriano's middle name so that they would always be together no matter what.

Sterling Francesco García.

The perfect name.

I haven't heard anything from the others back in Sicily. They never contacted me or came looking for me after I left. I wasn't upset about it, I was actually quite happy that they left me alone. It gave me the chance to live my life and have my son without danger lurking around. I have to admit, I was a little paranoid for a month or two after I left. I was afraid they were going to come back but after a while I started to get comfortable.

Fixing one of the many pictures of Sterling, I walk over to the only picture I have of Adriano. Smiling at it, I got back to my room hoping in bed with my sleeping baby. Kissing his little head, I fall into a deep sleep.


Waking up the next morning, I'm startled when I see my baby missing from beside me. Jumping out of bed, I run out of my room almost ready to pass out. Running down the hallway, I'm met with my baby sitting in front of a curly headed blond.

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