Chapter 15 - Game Plan

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Adriano's POV

We've been home for a good 5 hours and I've been cooped up in my office with Luca, Matteo, and Enzo on the whole Russian situation. Something that I've failed to mention to Mal is that Roman has declared war on us. Fucking dumbass.

He really wants my mafia and I'm not giving that fucker anything. Over my dead body. I would kill him before he could get his hands on anything that's mine. Including Malaina.

Now Luca, Matteo, and Enzo and I are sitting around my office trying to find different ways Roman could be coming at us because we all know he doesn't have the equipment to fight against us and win. Which means he's getting help. We just have to figure out from who.

"So what do you want to do about that Russian motherfucker? He got some nerve demanding shit from us. He knows what happen to the last guy that demanded anything from us." Luca spats angrily at us.

"May Sanchez's dumbass rot peacefully in hell." Matteo chuckles darkly.

Nodding slightly at that comment, I also decide to bring up Valentinas threat about Mal. After she had threatened Mal that one day before Mal got taken and sent to Roman's. She sent in a threat about killing Mal.

"So now we got two problems on our hands? Roman and now Valentina? Fuck." Enzo says gripping his hair.

"You just had to sleep with the crazy bitch, huh?" Matteo taunts.

"I didn't think she was fucking serious. All I have to figure out who she's working with because we all know Valentina isn't smart enough to do this shit on her own." I say in exclamation.

"Do you think it may be Roman? I mean they are the only people we have problems with at the moment." Luca asks.

"I mean that could be a possibility. We'd have to look into that." I say taking that into consideration. Taking a pen from the cup in front of me I write down our options in trying to figure this out.

"I could try and hack into any files Roman may have dealing with large amounts of checks? You know Roman doesn't do shit for free. There's always an price." Enzo suggest.

"But is Valentina really dumb enough to go to Roman?" Matteo asks.

"Well she can't go to her rich daddy, that motherfuckers in debt with us. He gave Val up to us as payment." Luca points out.

I mean he has a point. Valentina would never go to her dad.

"True." I voice out.

"Words out that Roman has a shipment transaction tonight, with the Dobrev brothers. We could go spy and see what the fucks going on with that. It could help us get one step ahead of Roman as well." Matteo states leaning back in the chair that's in front of my desk.

"I don't know about that man. That's a huge risk on our part." Enzo says raising an eyebrow to the idea.

"Well, what's in the transaction? Drugs? Girls?" I ask Matteo.

"Last I checked, it was money. I'm assuming Romans trying to make an deal with the Dobrev brothers." He replies.

"It's clear he needs help, he's not going to win this alone." Luca says gesturing to Matteo.

"So the plans to figure what this fucker is doing with the Dobrev brothers, correct?" Enzo asks everyone.

"Sí" I answer. "Well ok gentlemen, let's go figure out what the fuck Roman's doing with the Dobrev's."

"Fuck yea" They say in unison.

"First, we gotta get out of here without the girls knowing what we're up to." Matteo brings up.

Adriano Where stories live. Discover now