Chapter 11 - Russian Asshole

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Adriano's POV

To say I'm pissed about the house being attacked and Malaina being kidnapped would be an understatement. I'm fucking livid. Raging even.

After the Russians took Malaina they continued to raid the house some more. Killing russians left to right I try to get to her but she's tranquilized and dragged out the house.

"Fucking shit! They fucking took her!" I say tearing apart my living room. Breathing hard I look at the damage I made along with the damage from the Russians. I needed a release and this was all I could think of. Everyone knows I can get a little trigger happy.

"Adriano you have to calm down. This isn't going to help you get her back." Enzo states rather calmly, despite the extreme damage I made to the living room. "What does ripping apart the house do?" He asks

"Would you rather I fucking rip you apart?" Taking out my gun from my belt, I point it at Enzo in a threatening way

"No. But doing this isn't going to help bring her back"

"He's right, Adriano. This isn't going to get her back" Bella says in a gentle tone

"I knew that bitch was up to something when she walked up in this house. She was too nice. No one is that nice." Sofia's says clenching her fist together.

"She's right. She knew exactly where we were. This place is very hidden. She shouldn't have found this place. We should've known she was up to something." Letting out a sigh, Bella rolls her eyes at our stupid mistake

"I'm just upset I missed all the action. This is all your fault, Adriano! If you weren't so damn trigger happy all the time, I wouldn't have missed all the action." Matteo states clearly offended by the fact he missed the entire gun war between us and the Russians

"Really? That's what you're worried about! Malaina is missing right now." Bella shouts swinging her hand out to slap Matteo on the back of his head.

"Ow. Shit girl. Chill." Matteo yells swatting Bella's hands away

"I'm going to figure something out. We just need extra help for this to work." I tell them in reassurance

"Well you know who to call. I'm going to go sharpen my knives." Saying that Sofia walks off, down to the basement

Gripping my hair within my fingers, I take out my phone and call Cèsar for some extra help in finding Mal

After 4 rings, he finally answers. "Hello" He says letting out a breathy moan

"What the hell? Where are you?" I ask him

"Lilanna's" As soon as he said that I heard a loud moan in the background

"Well leave. We need you right now!" I tell him in an impatient tone

"Can you guys wait? I'm a little busy at the moment."

"No. It can't. Stop fucking your bitch and get here" Clenching my teeth, I try to stop the anger that's quickly rising inside of me.

"Damn it, Adriano! Fuck, I'll be there soon" He says in an annoyed voice. "Get off of me" He gruffly says to Lilianna from behind the phone

"Get here quick." I get ready to hang up the phone when I hear Cèsar say

"Shit, Liliana. Hop off my dick, bitch" Which was soon followed by a loud thud afterwards. Hanging up the phone I turn towards the closest guards near me informing them of Cèsars arrival

Fuck! Right when everything was going well, something fucked up just had to happen. My feelings for Malaina have been confusing the hell out of me. There are times I want to kiss her and there are times I want to strangle the hell out of her. I knew I should have let her go but I couldn't. She's so beautiful. I knew I was going to make her mine whether she liked it or not.

God I'm such a pussy, I thought to myself

Rubbing my hand down my face I head to my office to make a few phone calls before Cèsar gets here to help with the Russians taking Malaina.


"What the hell happened to the house?" Cèsar asks busting into my office with confusion written all over his face

"It was a war zone. The Russians decided to pay us a little visit while you were gone." I tell him rolling my eyes

"Why the fuck would the Russians come here? Are they stupid?" Walking over to a chair in my office, Cèsar takes a seat ready to hear what happened at the compound while he was gone

"Mal's little friend Joey brought those bastardi here."

"Where's Malaina?" He asks, gesturing towards the door

"Those fucking Russians took her because of the that bitch."

"Wait! What? And what puta?" He quickly sits up in his chair, raising an eyebrow at me in question

"Malainas best friend, Joey, she's the reason for all of this. She was working with the enemy. She brought them here to attack us while she dragged Malaina out of here unconscious."

"What the fuck? Adriano, when I told you to give her lessons in combat you said no. I told you this would happen. She could've protected herself. Who knows what's happening to her right now! They could be killing her right now."

"I thought I was protecting her!" I shout, throwing up my hands

"Well you thought wrong, Adriano"

Putting my head in my hands, I shake it in exhaustion and frustration.

"Now you need to devise a plan to get her back and it better be a damn good plan because it's going to be hell fighting against them to get her back."

"I know. I know. But I think I know a way to get her back. Call everyone in here we're going to have a meeting about this." I tell him. Getting up, Cèsar glances at me one more time before he walks out of my office

After a few minutes, Cèsar walks back into the room with Matteo, Sofia, Bella, and Enzo.

"Guys I have a plan and I know how we're going to execute it. Anyone ready for battle?" I say with a murderous smirk. Oh, they're going to wish they never fucked with us

"Fuck yea." Matteo and Enzo say in unison

"I'm so down" Sofia says pulling out her knives while glancing at Bella who's smirking right back at her

"Let's fuck some shit up" Cèsar says smiling like a maniac.

There's a reason why everyone is so afraid of us... and the Russians are about to witness just why...

You're Welcome ...

And that's all I gotta say


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