"The Bake Off!" (Sam/Nova x Crush! Reader) Part 1/2

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I'm leaving the story as is to make it feel more like my original book. I'm keeping the note I wrote at the end since this story truly was my very first one I ever published a while back.
Date: May 28, 2016

"New York City has been filled with excitement and celebration for the upcoming superhero week! That's right the one and only superhero week has many heroes and citizens full of glee and curiosity for what the week has in store for them. During this celebration the city has many festivals, super hero awards, autograph/photo signings, parades, and contests dedicated to the superheroes from all fans in the area such as costume or art contests. Most importantly the avengers and many other heroes such as police officers or fire fighters are celebrated for all the hard work they do. (respect for the people who enforce the law I didn't forget about you don't worry) With this event going on no villains or thefts have taken place for the past couple weeks so the local heroes have been in much needed relaxation in anticipation for the fun that will commence starting today. This is Debra Marsh with your local news report." The news lady finishes her report then fixes the papers on the table in front of her as the commercial is about to start after her broadcast is done soon after.

Monday afternoon and Midtown high is filled with many students containing and/or wearing merchandise to represent heroes they respect most. Such praise for heroes is only the beginning at Midtown high as familiar faces lie deep in the school with cheery expressions everywhere all except in one classroom.....
[Sam pov]
The start of hero week you'd think I would be excited if it weren't for my English class I have last period and its so stressful! It's bad enough web head won't stop teasing me about my crush when we aren't doing anything during class everything that goes through my emotions in this classroom isn't a positive one at all. Am I glad she sits 2 rows away from us because I don't know what I'd do if (Y/N) would find out. Can't help but fall for her she is so fun to be around she's always cheerful or has something funny to tell me. To top it all off she is hot... Damn I got it bad I mean with her (H/l)(H/c) hair and her facial features are absolutely stunning. Great now I'm blabbing about these mushy stupid feelings I must sound like a hopeless romantic you know what whatever- anyways she was a new student about a couple months ago and Parker introduced us during lunch. At first I didn't find much interest in her because she was so........ how do I put it ... different. You see (y/n) is very out going yet shy or smart yet clueless at times but once you get to know her she is just a lot of charm wrapped up into a girl like (y/n). I didn't know how to react to such a personality like (y/n's) since most hot girls like her don't have great personalities. Trust me I've been with many girls so I would know ok? Plus she has so much to offer but I can't admit my feelings to her not because I'm shy but because I'm honestly embarrassed. I don't want to admit this to the gang but (y/n) is so special I doubt she'll feel the same way not only that but when they found out I liked her they continued bugging me about the topic for a while especially Parker. When is he going to shut up? I'm trying to ignore him this whole time but it's not working I hope the bell rings for class to start already. I don't know how much longer I can take it from Parker anymore he is so much to deal with.
[Peters pov]
"Hey Sam you should pass (y/n) a love letter~" I laugh as Sam scowls at me and punches my arm. Ouch! "Dude that hurt!!!!" I half yelled while clutching my arm. "Well that's what you get! You've done nothing but tease me since we sat down -_-" Sam responded.
"Well because me and the others can't take it anymore just ask her out already! We have been waiting patiently with no results"
"Because I don't want to tell her-....yet. I mean give me time after all it's super hero week. I need to relax and focus on other things right?" Sam responded while leaning back on his chair.
"Uh huh yeah sure whatever you say bucket head"

The reason his friends are so persistent with this crush is because the cocky and over confident nova acts the complete opposite towards this particular crush. He seems to actually be a bit shy and even blush at her presence which is completely different from any other girl he has seemed to take an interest to. He flirts with most girls he finds attractive but even nova himself still has not figured out why he acts so differently around her. He seems so lost when he starts thinking about those feelings so he tries his best to avoid thinking about it because let's face it he's clueless that he holds deep passion for lovely (y/n).
Suddenly the bell rang and the teacher walked in so Sam and Peter had no choice but to stay quiet as the teacher talked about boring English assignments and class work in store for the class but, to everyones surprise the teacher actually started class by changing the seating chart. At the end (y/n) was sat next to Sam in the 2nd to last row while Peter was seated behind Sam in the very last row. What luck for both Sam and (y/n)

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