"The Bake Off!" (Nova/Sam x Crush! Reader) Part 2/2

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Again I'm leaving the chapters from here to chapter 6 as is. Thanks for supporting this book my younger self made.
Date: July 29, 2016

Wednesday morning and much anticipation was in (y/n's) mind as she continued the finishing touches on her cake for the competition. Once she placed the fondant helmet on top of the cake she stood back and took a look at her masterpiece. "Yaaaaayyyyy~!!! It looks so awesome!!! I wonder if captain America himself will get a chance to see it?!" She bounced around with joy as she thought of multiple outcomes for winning the prize. She was interrupted by a giggle "calm down already gurl! We still have to meet up with the others at the festival so we can turn this in"
"Yeah I can't wait! Thanks again for letting me use your kitchen (best friends name bf/n)" y/n responded as she went to get herself cleaned up from all the ingredients that so happened to land on her clothing/hair. Her friend cleaned most of the mess so when (y/n) came back the cleaning process would be faster as they would head to the festival. At least they thought so until (bf/n) got a phone call and answered although her voice was filled with disappointment she continued a persistent smirk until the call ended. "Well? What happened?" (Bf/n) gave a sigh "um the others couldn't make it after all they said something happened in the freeway and the traffic is too crazy so they're taking the subway. Will most likely take a long time to get here but Peter said he will keep in touch through txt so we can all still hang."
"Oh no.... Well I hope they all get here safely and sooner. I really want them to see my masterpiece~ let's hurry! The bake-off awaits!!" (Y/n) shouts while grabbing her cake with (bf/n) and rushing to the car. Once they're in the car they find themselves in traffic near the festival parking lot. "This sucks!!! We might have to end up paying for parking at this rate". "we can make the best of it don't worry we can catch up on the events as we wait" (y/n) took out her cellular device and showed (bf/n) the screen filled with super hero events of all types being held at the festival. Which includes....
Archery lessons with Hawkeye, costume contest judged by the fantastic four, pie eating contests and many more courses and bounce houses everywhere plus the rides are all based on the avengers!
"Wow the rides on these pictures are amazing!!! I can't wait to ride them once the bake-off is finished" (bf/n) exclaimed. "Yeah I'm riding everything! Maybe waiting this long will be worth it" you replied.
Time skip to like 35 minutes later because that's how long the traffic was >_<

As you two are walking towards the entrance you carefully carried your cake in a steady pace while your friend kept looking around like a goofball and jumping around. Who could blame her? The event was a sight to be seen anyone who is anyone was at this massive event especially with the special guests behind these walls. Once you two get to the bake off and are signed in and everything you prepare yourself for the judges nervously. Sure you met the hero judges but you're more nervous about placing in this contest because it would look great on future resumes. You may also want to win so you can spend the day with the young hero teens but that's besides the point. 1st place receives whatever they want from the judges,a plaque, and a $50 gift card to target, 2nd place gets a medal photo/autograph with the judges and a $25 gift card to cold stone. 3rd place just gets a medal and photo/autograph with the group. Each who place get to speak with the judges in a VIP hero area as well but who knows might pop in the VIP area maybe the winners will be lucky and also get to meet another hero.
You're too busy anticipating the results that you completely missed what your friend was telling you. "(Y/n) hey! I'm talking to you! Did you even hear what I just said?"she replied while waving her hand in front of you. "Umm no.. I'm sorry. Just a bit nervous. What did you say?"
"I said that that the judges are heading in this direction! Look! Can't you believe it's them! More importantly Spider-Man!" She excitedly shouted. You responded with a giggle at her fangirling. "Yeah pretty awesome they're judging right? I can't wait for them to try my cake. I've done my very best- ....... Well atleast I think I did" you respond with a hand behind your head rubbing it bashfully. (Pause XD lol)
"These features in the S.H.I.E.L.D headquarter data is more secured then I assumed it be. How wonderful." Doc octopus angrily said in his sarcastic tone "The security system shouldn't be this complicated. With my luck I will require doing something foolish like bursting through the headquarters and taking the foolish scientists work for myself." He sighs and decides to log out of S.H.I.E.L.D security system so he could think of a plan. Octopus decides he should try a different approach and goes to his computer to find a different approach by looking in (f/n) background or any files about him that may be of help. Once he finds your name under the files he sees you share the last name as the scientist his smile becomes very amused as he figures out exactly what he needs to do. While looking through his computer once again he tries to find your location in any way he could and what do you know... He stalked your Facebook and saw you're going to that baking contest for the hero festival today! Poor reader-chan "Perfect.." Was all that could be heard from the abandoned lab as the echoes along with the maniacal laughter were mixed into the soundless hallways.
"(Y/n)!!!!!! Get ready!! The heroes are coming this way!!" You gulped at her shouting "crap!! Umm how do I look??!?" You tried fixing your hair nervously until her hand grabbed your wrist "calm down. You look great!!"

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