💘 Valentines Special 💝 (Crush! Sam/Nova x Reader)

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Again leaving this chapter as is to get the true experience of my original book.
Date: March 18, 2017

Today was the day you were finally gonna tell Sam your feelings. Cheesy as it sounds it didn't stop you from making him chocolates and building up the courage for the day the 14th would arrive. On your way to school the only thing on your mind was your senpai unfortunately you noticed Sam walking 🚶🏻right next to you. With a low gulp you nervously clenched your books 📚 hoping he didn't notice you. Just because you will tell him your feelings didn't stop you from being shy. Of course you have a huge crush on him but he is also oblivious to your feelings. You're just too embarrassed to admit or show these feelings to him. Sam seems to flirt with many girls but no one ever takes him seriously or they flat out ignore him. When he would give you a taste of his charm you'd shyly smile and continue working with a blush on your face. You're known as the "Silent beauty" at the school at least that's what most of the guys at school address you as rather than your name. The only people who don't address you by that nick name are Sam and your pals. The again Sam has given you a special nick name "Study bug" or "Love bug" if he feels like making you blush.
As for the "Silent" part of your nick name you're just shy and come across as quiet. A lot of students mistake this as being stuck up so you don't have very many friends. Just  acquaintances from classes or from the sports/clubs after school that would call for attention to talk to you (flirt). You're not one for too much attention so you're always flattered by these charming words even if you're used to it. As for Sam he is a completely different story since his words always cause you to be a bashful mess when ever you're around him. He will do what ever it takes to grab your attention wether it be grabbing your text books and waiting outside the classroom or placing an arm around you as you walk through the hallways minding your own business. At first it was quite uncomfortable but over a long period of time you learned he is fun to be around and not so bad once you get to know him. Now that it's Valentines you've felt now is your chance to finally tell him exactly how you feel about him. Sam is only oblivious to your feelings because you have such a big reputation at school. He feels like the competition for you is too high, and your also not the type to give into sweet talk so it makes it twice as hard. The thick headed Sam didn't consider you'd give him a chance once you've gotten to know him. A shame too because not one male realized you care more for an individuals personality than the same old pick up lines and what not. Getting to know Sam was what made you have an eye for him. He is so nice and has a all around great personality such as the way he helps other from bullies or the speeding traffic. He always seems to have some type of heroic demeanor about himself that you find comforting. Plus he has shown to be very loyal based on how you've seen the things he has done for each and every one of his friends. His only downfalls are his immaturity and how highly he thinks of himself. Nonetheless you still have strong feelings for him.
"Happy Valentine's Y/N" Sam broke the silence
"You've never called me by my name before 🙇‍♀️ and yes a Happy Valentine's to you too Sam"
"Is it? I guess whenever your name comes to mind it's just weird because I'm so used to all the nick names you got" He stretched his arms behind his neck. "Anyways I got some where to go see yeah around" He walked towards the shopping area in the upcoming 4 way intersection. "Hmmm he wasn't acting like himself. No flirting, book grabbing or complaining about homework....how odd. Guess I will wait until class to hand him the chocolate"
It was a Loooooooooooooonnnng day at school today. You've never received so many gifts 🎁 before. Apparently word got out you planned to give a special someone chocolate so it made many of your fan boys on the edge. Even your locker was filled with piles of letters! You went as far as asking the janitor for a trash bag so you can carry all the candies you received in the bag. You felt so many stares as you walked around during the day. To top it all off many hurtful comments due to jealousy rang through your mind during class as whispers echoed to your ears. Out of all days Sam picked the one holiday you thought he'd enjoy to avoid you. Sure you only got 2 classes with the guy but your admirers surrounded your desk in those classes. Choosing to wait after school to give Sam the present you waited patiently on a bench until he came out. Garbage bag full of gifts on the ground by you while looking around. Hearing Sams joyous laughter you looked up happily only to be hit with a heart aching horror before you. He was holding hands with another girl with a big goofy smile on his face. Noticing you he smiled widely waving towards your direction "waiting for someone Y/N?" The girl next to him stayed silent because her shocked expression focused on the transparent garbage next to you. "O-h uh yes! Yes I am!" You replied regretfully "Heh meet Angelica" The girl next to him faked a smile "Hey Silent beauty"
Trying not to flinch from her response you kept your composer "Hello. You two have a good one" They gave a nod walking away hand in hand with you watching with much pain. "Happy Valentine's...... 🙍" Starting to tear up you held them in all the until you got home. Putting away all your belongings you decided to take a walk in the park with some chocolates in a attempt to clear your mind. Picking a secluded area you sat by yourself crying out your feelings silently.
Sam P.O.V
Angelica was definitely an unexpected confession but hey I knew something was bound to happen today. Not like I had a chance with Y/N... she could probably have dates going on for days if she really wanted. I know she isn't the type of person but she definitely has game. I couldn't be around her today as much as I hate to admit it my jealously was not having it. She's never been a blushing mess as much as she was today-I need to stop these thoughts. I got Angelica now. Her poster and chocolates were cute. I couldn't let down such a pretty girl so I'm happy the way things turned out. Maybe it was for the better.... looks like it's 4pm I better head to the fountain where Angelica told me to meet her ASAP. I arrived with flowers 💐 waiting by the fountain until it hit 4:33 wonder what is taking her? My phone buzzed I checked it to see a message from Angelica telling me to meet her at the mall across the street. Inside the store I finally found her only to be in the arms of another guy talking. "Andy you really mean it?" "Of course I'm so sorry please spend the rest of the day with me. I want to make up for the time we spent from each other. I need you" "I need you too! Let's never brake up ever again"
I didn't know what to think. Who asks out someone just a couple weeks after a relationship? My attention was snapped back into reality when Angelica noticed me. "S-Sam I-" 🙅‍♂️ This is where I gave 0 fucks "No you need to listen! What you did was wrong and you know it. I can't believe I even considered you as a potential date! Now that I see something like this I think I can get an idea of what type person you are" I walked away knowing the Andy guy would be too busy asking Angelica questions rather than talking to me. Which was perfectly fine with me because it made it way easier to deal with the situation. "Sigh" Guess I can just walk my problems out good thing the park is near by.
Your P.O.V
My tears dried up as I ate some of the chocolate I brought with me. "Sam is taken, I probably messed up my makeup, and I'm alone. How could things possibly get worse" I heard footsteps and turned my head to be faced with

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