"Love Triangle" (Sam/Nova x New Student Reader) Chapter 1 Part 1

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Fanart Above isn't mine.
Date: November 22, 2016

📚📝First day of school📓📎📐✏️

You were sitting in the office waiting room by the principles office wondering when you'd be escorted to class. Foot steps could be heard as you turned your head towards the hallway to see another student he looked no older than 16 with tanned skin and light brunette hair with stereotypical teenage messy hair. You don't know how but you felt like he could be new too just by how he observed the place while strutting down the hall. You are new to the school since you moved to New York about a week and a half ago. Missing old friends and just going to a new school in general has not been the best for you up until now. All you could think about is how the students or teachers will be like. That is until your thoughts are interrupted by the guy next to you. One awkward cough followed by comforting words led you to give him a nice smile on your face "Hi I'm Marcus um I'm kinda a new student... And I hope we can become friends" he holds a hand out for you to shake which you do while speaking. "Nice to meet you I'm (y/n) and also new around here too. Maybe we will have a couple classes together who knows?"
"Yeah I'm hoping we do. Going to a new school is pretty much a let down but New York seems different compared to Ohio so I guess it might be worth it. I do enjoy new places but can't help these feelings ya know?" You two enjoyed one another's presence so far and kept talking and talking based on what Marcus has told you he moved here with some relatives for a job his dad transfered to. You in return told him your parents decided to move for the same reason now you knew fate brought you two together the more you talked amongst each other.
"Miss (y/n)?" A man which you assumed to be the principle spoke. You stood up giving Marcus a friendly nod meaning bye for now and went straight into the principles office.
Time skip 🕰🕰🕰
After talking to the principle you got your schedule he instructed to wait until he was done talking to the other transfer so both of you could be escorted to your classes. As he opened the door you gave Marcus another smile and sat down as he stepped inside the principles office. Once you two were situated with schedules it turns out your 3rd periods are the same! English to be more specific. The class seemed a bit loud but as soon as the principle walked in everyone sort of just stayed quiet for the most part. He introduced you two as the new students everyone seemed to gasp mainly the boys in the classroom. You couldn't help but blush as you continued to stare at the class with nervousness. Marcus seemed to be amused and lightly chuckle at your actions. "Yes pleased to meet you Marcus and (y/n) we will enjoy having you in the class now go take the empty seats in the back after your done introducing yourselfs" Marcus smiled at the class "Sure thing teach I'm from Ohio and looking for a new girlfriend if anyone is interested" he gave a confident smile. The girls kinda giggled and you noticed some of the guys roll their eyes at him or give scoffs. "Marcus go sit now 😑" The teacher said in slight annoyance. "My turn. I'm from (states name or S/n for short) so visiting such a busy city is really different from my tiny home town anyways hope to make friends" the class seemed to approve your answer and some were even smiling at you. (You know why ;D) "great so now that our new students are done with introductions I will continue the lesson. Could some one share their book with the new students so they can take notes". You walked and sat right between Marcus and another guy who seemed to have a wide smile on his face when you looked his direction. "(Y/n) can't believe we get the same class what luck" Marcus whispered. You gave a nod "yes and nice introduction by the way. I'm sure you made quit the impression" you pointed towards some of the staring girls. You received a smirk "ya and goodluck with your admirers too" you gave him a confused look until you heard someone else's voice "names Sam and guess we will be sharing a book for now" you turned to see a cute Hispanic guy. "H-hi and yes thanks" you smiled shyly. He smiled and scooted closer to share the book. The rest of the class was notes and making friends with Sam. He seemed very friendly like Marcus and he even greeted you to his friend Peter who sat just in front of you two. Getting along with the two was very easy plus they were very funny too. Lunch was right after class so Sam offered you and Marcus to sit with them. Marcus seemed just as happy to be making friends so easily. "Guys meet (y/n) and Marcus. They're new" The group looked up from there conversation as you two introduced yourselves. "Names Marcus nice to met ya"
"I'm y/n hope we all get along" The rest of the group which consisted of Lucas, Danny and Ava gave welcoming smiles along with their own greetings. Lunch seemed to go by quickly as you chat away with the group about your interests and classes. You learned you share at least one class with your new friends so your happiness shot through the roof. The next 3 periods went by quickly before you knew it you were already at your locker ready to go home. "Hey (y/n)!"
You turned to see Peter with Marcus right beside him. "Hi! Which way you two heading?"
"We are taking the route behind the school that leads to the mini market. Since you are so close to that direction we assumed your heading this way too" Peter replied. "yeah I actually am. Don't live to far actually" Marcus finally decided to talk "great let's get going. Looks like we'll all be walking buddies from now on" "Yup! Now we need matching outfits and we will be set!" Pete responded. Giving light smiles both you and Marcus followed Pete through the hallways up until the convenience store a couple blocks away from the school. Everything was fine until a huge crashing like noise was heard nearby, but Pete seemed to get a call right at that moment so you glanced at Marcus whom was just as curious as you. Peter told the two of you he had to take the bus somewhere due to an emergency. After he turned the corner a flash of light blinded the both of you and you were greeted by a black and red skin tight suit wearing individual. "What is with the weird get up?" Marcus seemed to be more worried about the individuals outfit rather than the weaponry the man was holding you thought to yourself. "Marcus we should get out of here!" You whispered a little too loudly because before you knew it the man was standing right between you two arms draped around the both of you. Pure terror was shown on your face and you screamed on the top of your lungs. "Ouch!! Geez! I try to be friendly and this is what I get-!" Marcus interrupted the masked man by pushing him to the side and grabbing your hand ready to run. Unfortunately another flashing light blinded you two and it momentarily stopped your plans. "Is that any way to treat a masked wearing hero?!"
"Ugh! Who are you?" Marcus shouts angrily
"Deadpool did you seriously just call yourself a hero?" Another voice seemed to appear behind everyone. "Oh no not you again. Dammit spider-man why can't you just stay away. I'm trying to have fun on the job" Deadpool turned towards spider-man with disappointment.
"Yeah I'm not exactly happy to see you either"
"So then he isn't a hero?" You interrupted
"No but if you like I can be your hero~"
Spider-Man punched deadpool upside the head
"I'd say Ow but I'm used to it. Don't listen to this weirdo just because I'm not a hero doesn't mean we can't be close amigos~"
You seemed to be confused by the masked mans flirting since his weapons say real other wise. You can tell his intentions might be the opposite by his appearance so you turned to see if Marcus had any plans but he seemed to be excited. Just great. Good thing Spider-Man is here everyone knows who he is thanks to the news papers. Maybe you're not too much trouble after all. "That's it now you really crossed the line this time spidey!"
"It wasn't my fault and you know it 😑"
"Yes it was!! You made me drop my mortal combat action figure! 😭 oh the humanity!"
"He is craaaaaazzyy" Marcus whispered while you simply gave a nod in agreement since you're in shock of his childish actions. Spidey gave hand signals to run away while he distracts deadpool. "Lets go now" you told Marcus as you grabbed his hand running away towards the opposite direction. "Aww already? I want to see deadpool do something over the top" he whined.
"Did someone say over the top??🌟🌟"
Frozen in fear you two faced deadpool standing right around the corner. "Yeah don't worry it's just my teleporting belt. I'm not THAT fast. Although imagine if I was? I bet I could make 20 homemade chimichangas in less than 3 minutes!" Luckily Spider-man swung in kicking deadpool face first towards the opposite direction.

To be Continued

I thought since I have this much done I might as well post it. Please give thoughts, opinions, and maybe even suggestions as to what you want to happen next. 😊

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