Nova x Shy! Knight Hero Reader

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Much will be based on Ultimate Spider-man Universe.
Date: November 7, 2016

Being new to S.H.I.E.L.D high has had its up and downs being the new student. First off the paperwork was absolutely so overwhelming you didn't think you'd finish by the due date. Once it was complete you felt very accomplished because now you may attend the school with no worries. Atleast no worries about responsibilities now you have to worry about nervousness and classmates. You are not sure what to expect from your class mates but you sure don't know what they'd think about you. You see you go by the name Elemental Armor your powers are all the elements and telekinesis. Other abilities include super strength and flight as well as using a special sword in combat. Back to your nervous thoughts you're not sure if they would be scared or mistrust you. Compared to them you might seem like a freak sure you appear human but your looks are far different in many ways especially when you use your powers then again you're not human ...not 100% anyways.
Your mother an alien as your father would say and he was half human and of other alien ancestry. Your background is a little confusing but your father basically taught you the ways of a knight which is why you have swords skills and a code on honor. You look human but your face has (favorite color) markings from your forehead to your chin and even your legs and arms. It glows when you use your telekinesis and your elemental powers. Which include fire/magma, ice/water, earth/plant life and lastly air which lets you fly. Your skin is covered in different colors and markings when using some of these abilities such as fire or ice. Your eyes also look very unique since they are (favorite eye color) with foreign symbols near the pupils. Then lastly your lashes are very thick and dark which makes you appear differently as well. Now to you, you feel nervous about your appearance since you seem to be the only one with such a look so you wear a hood to cover your face. Your outfit kinda looks like the one in the photo above but your armor reaches your knees. Arms are shown too but again hood kinda covers everything. Ok now that this is taken care of enjoy the story 💙💛

First day of school📚✏️
Exiting Fierys office was a relief but at the same time nerv wrecking. You weren't sure how to handle going to this new school. Fiery said it wasn't required of you to remove your hood so you were fine but on the other hand teenage super heroes are always unpredictable right?
"Gulp" was all that could be heard from the quiet halls which led to fiery giving a small chuckle. "No worries Elemental Armor our students are just like you. I'm sure you'll fit in just fine" he reassured. Now Fiery may be a tough cookie but he understood your feelings since he knew your complete background. He was glad to accept you as a new student since you've done so much to save the city and even the world once. Yeah you might have many accomplishments on your plate but you still have a lot to learn and at age 16. Plus a high school diploma wouldn't hurt either anyways before you knew it you were standing right in front of the entrance to the training room. That's right every student must fight another student on the first day to show off skills and or special powers. "Goodluck kid. I'll see you later" was all you heard before you readied your sword.
Lots of chatting was going on before it suddenly became quiet as your foot steps echoed through the room with every eye on you. "Must be a dude" someone muttered as you set foot in the ring. The opponent looked really impatient and happy to see you based on the big grin on his face. Helmet with a blue looking aura around him while he floats. A teacher spoke up from the side lines. "Alright everyone this is our new student we can skip to introductions once Nova gives a taste of what our school is capable of. Now remember! Don't destroy everything and show case all your special skills new kid! Ya hear?!"
You gave a simple nod already in your stance prepared to show off your elemental powers with your hood glowing. Everyone looked very curious as to what you would do to him in one round. "Pffft piece of cake. I'll hit you with everything I got!" The one referred to as nova shouted as he flew towards you. Before he could hit you, you dodged at the last second then flying upwards giving your classmate a signature taunt. Sword stance and everything. He gave another grin and flew towards you again only this time very quickly! So fast you could compare to a rocket or something. You grabbed both his fists then sent him flying towards the opposite side of the ring. Deciding to show off your elements you sent fire balls in his direction to distract him while you whipped up a mini tornado just for him. Unfortunately one of the fireballs hit Novas bum leaving him to scream like an old lady. Laughs could be heard from the entire class as everyone watches with entertainment. By the time Nova turned to face his opponent he was met with the tornado from earlier. "Just great-!!!!!" The whole class viewed his patterns of twists, turns, loops, heck even twirls in the air as it sent him flying everywhere in the air. "Didn't think my idea would go that well" you mumbled to yourself when you chose to help your classmate from embarrassment by stopping said tornado with a powerful wind slash from the elegant sword hidden in its sheath. A loud thud was heard from Nova belly flopping onto the floor groaning as the teacher applauds with enthusiasm. Unbeknownst to you the teacher/class was kind of glad to see Nova lose to you. You see Nova kept bragging to the class how he would easily beat the new student and even went as far as saying how challenging of a fighter he'd be. Was it annoying? Yes, yes it was. Talking to the teacher you put away your sword to hear how well you did. To your amusement he laughed giving you your written grade. "You'll fit right in Mr- I mean young lady- uh apologies but your name is gender neutral" the classmates agreed with curiosity. You nervously cleared your throat "I'm female sir..." Hoping your response was decent since you noticed some surprised expressions. "Haha I see. Well glad to have you in our class Miss Elemental Armor" you gave a bow. "Thank you sir" "No need for such formalities" he lightly laughed again. "Oh I just assumed since I'm your new student-" "Not at all just be yourself young lady" You gave a nod and curtsy towards your teacher although he told you not be formal you couldn't help it. As a knight you were taught to always be well mannered/respectful towards anyone. The teacher kinda gave a shrug but he smiled non the less. Until nova came rushing through his classmates a bit angered but he chose the route of congratulating his opponent so he doesn't expose himself to further humiliation. "you know I went easy on you because I can tell your nervous not bad new kid your alright but next time try not to fry my bottom will ya?" he held his hand out for you. Ignoring his arrogant attitude you gave his hand a shake. "uh thanks.... Sorry for that. Thought it make a good distraction, you're quite fast" Nova stiffened at your quiet voice. "Uh your a chick" he said in disbelief. You tilt your head in confusion "Chick? As in baby chicken? No need to be rude nova I assure you our match was placed on equal terms" " N-no! I meant your a girl...I just didn't realize" "I see. No worries sir nova" he seemed reluctant by how you addressed him until venom started talking "Oh I get it! So like since your a knight you address people like one! and talk weirdly just like one! And you fight-" someone elbowed him. "We get it!" iron spider interrupted. Few people sighed in relief especially spider-man. "I speak weirdly? What does he mean...?" you mumbled to yourself. "So can I atleast see my opponents face or what?" nova chirped but his smile faded once you started panicking a bit. "I'd prefer not to... Please forgive me" you gave a light curtsy. "sure?" "Alright class that's enough we need to get back to training now that this is out of the way! Let's get moving to room 153 NOOWW!" everyone ran asap knowing better than to go against the teacher except you since well you honestly didn't. "HEY!!!!" He shouted directly towards you. Giving a tiny squeak you immediately turned and bowed. "Sir!" "I said get your butt moving to room 153 NOOWWW!" You went flying to the room nervously (how scary!!!!) you thought to yourself.

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