Sam/Nova x Mermaid? Reader 🔱🧜‍♀️

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One day Sam took a visit to a nearby beach 🏝to clear his mind and just relax. After all being a superhero in high school can be stressful at times so he attempts to balance the weight on his shoulders by visiting a small island. It seemed to be abandoned because the old huts and surf shack were worn out due to age. It was no surprise since the island is quite a distance from New York, so who could afford visiting this place unless they got a special power like Nova?
Today is his 5th time visiting the petite island just because it is tiny doesn't make it any less beautiful from a normal sized island. The water looked so clear you could even see seashells or sand dollars that would wash up on shore. The palm trees contained so many coconuts and right in the center of the island was a waterfall. This particular waterfall was slightly average making it not too big but not too small either, for a waterfall of its size it was still lovely. If it was scene at the right time in either sunset or dawn a beautiful mist would appear giving a wondrous view to many colors spread through out the surrounding areas. The colors could vary due to changing colors of the sky when this would occur. Of course Sam still missed a lot of the other beauty's this island has to offer since he can hardly visit. Such as the cove behind the waterfall or at night the waterfall would light up until the mist appears again. The island still holds many other secrets but we will get back to it later. For now Sam was exploring the island again to see if he has yet to discover anything, but unbeknownst to him he has a pair of eyes watching his every move. These same pair of eyes paid close attention since his very first visit, but who could blame the stranger after all the helmet wearing hero wears a outfit foreign to the eyes and who can trust someone if you can not even see the individuals face. Not to mention the blue aura that surrounds him when he flies. Yes these pair of eyes were very curious about the unique flying man, but at the same time intimidating due to not knowing his attentions or quite bluntly if he has any type of respectful behavior. Soon Sam was in the center of the island near the waterfall where he carefully took his helmet off to relax. Sam already knows his identity is safe at the island since it is very secluded. The pair of eyes widened as his Nova outfit disappeared into regular clothing a human would wear. Never before has the helmet hero shown his face during his visits. Usually the pair of eyes 👀 try escaping to avoid being seen or just stays in hiding to be safe, but this time was different. The eyes held wonder and fascination for the young man. Never have they been so close to a human ever before. Swimming swiftly under the waterfall to hide in between rocks the individual keeps a steady eye on Sam. He continues walking through the island placing his Nova helmet on a teleportation device built inside his watch ⌚️
Good thing S.H.I.E.L.D has the best technology to offer. Almost gasping the pair of eyes placed a hand over its mouth 👄 in fright. Sam seemed to almost hear something so he observed the area looking for anything. Minutes pass by and Sam heads back to the waterfall hoping it was just his imagination.
????? 👀 P.O.V
I was afraid the human would find me so I steadily swam throughout the underwater passage heading to the shore but to my "luck" lil Kalel was right behind me!  How did he even find me?! I thought I was alone!

VI was afraid the human would find me so I steadily swam throughout the underwater passage heading to the shore but to my "luck" lil Kalel was right behind me!  How did he even find me?! I thought I was alone!

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I know he doesn't know any better after all he is only a baby whale 🐳 but he always seems to follow me everywhere ever since I saved him from a tangled net one time. Ever since then we have been buddies playing together "Bloop-o?" "Kalel stay quiet I have to hide from the human so don't give me away!" I whisper yelled. He gave me a cute nod but next thing I know he swims the opposite direction heading towards the human! I can't let him see me! I continue hiding just to be safe.
Sam P.O.V
"Some one here-?!!" I get squirted with water in the face. When I look up I see a tiny whale begging for attention. "Aw cute lil fella" I get closer to the whale and pet him.  It squeaks with joy and even does a back flip! "Nice meeting you but I gotta go" I walk away only to get splashed with water again. I turn to the whale but it seems to want my attention for something. It swims down the stream so I guess I might as well follow it.
???? 👀 P.O.V
Oh no! He is leading the human right towards me! I try to signal Kalel to go away shaking my arms and head. Unfortunately he thinks I'm playing so he swims faster! I have no choice but to dig into the sea floor and hid under it. The human comes along but luckily he didn't see me. "Uh..? What are you trying to show me?" The human asks disappointed. "Bloop!" Kalel tries telling him about me but the human doesn't understand him. He walks away back toward the waterfall to get some sleep. At least I assume he does because he is always sleeping on the island. I sigh in relief and give Kalel a look of disapproval. He shrinks back a little but gets defensive and starts squeaking angrily. I sigh and my starfish Amy slips off my hair to voice her opinion "Why didn't you talk to him Y/N!?" "He is a human! I can't let him see me! I'm a mermaid!"I point to my tail. "But y/n I thought you love humans! This was your chance!" I turn towards the direction the human walked to "Of course I love them but- I.. I don't think it be wise to let him see me" "You're wrong! He could be something more! Besides it's obvious you want to meet it" I nod blushing slightly "Amy I'm not sure about this. How will it react? Let me think about this" Suddenly we all heard screaming and yelling where the human was at.  Amy places herself back on my head and we all swim upwards checking on the human. He is back in the strange helmet fighting some type of scary humanoid bird hybrid (By the way its vulture) Kalel gets scared and starts whimpering. I pet him for comfort but the helmet man throws the bird man towards the waterfall. We all swim the opposite direction I tell Kalel to be careful while I fetch my harpoon.
To be Continued

Sorry for such a long update I'm so lazy haha anyways I will probably have part 2 some time during the week after valentines. I have a special one shot for Valentine's Day 💕😌
Date: February 13, 2017

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