Sam/Nova x Mermaid? Reader 🔱🧜‍♀️ Part 2

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[Y/N Pov]
Kalel swam away to safety with Amy guiding him. Luckily I always keep my harpoon nearby out secret island hang out. I just have to help the poor human with what ever is attacking him. I fear what the bird creature could be capable of as I've never heard of anything like it before. Once I was on the surface behind the waterfall I aimed carefully at the bird creature specifically it's leg.

[Nova Pov]
As I walked away from the whale I got back to the little area where I usually keep to myself unfortunately I heard some noises and took the smart route by hiding. I decide to equip my helmet ⌚️ so I don't get discovered by who knows what. Jumping out of my hiding place behind the bushes I fly upwards to get a good view of the island from above. Next thing I know I get tackled to the ground and see it's culture. Just great now he knows where this nice island is, but the main question is if he knew I was here in the first place.
"What are you doing here?!? Following me?! I won't let you escape from me"
"Don't flatter yourself! Your the one on my island paradise!" He screamed as my arm was clawed. We both screamed in pain at the same time landing harshly on the dirt. Vulture sending me down with him screaming "My leg!!!" saw a big gash on Vultures leg. Couldn't see how deep since he kept a hand over the long scratch. "So you called back up? I don't remember heroes playing dirty"
I rolled my eyes "Says the one attacking me with no reason. Besides I'm alone. I didn't call anyone-" we both gasped. "If it wasn't you then who did it-!!!!" Vulture was cut off when a harpoon shot his arm. He only got a scratch and a couple feathers from his wing was pinned against a tree 🏝 "Get away from him!!" I turned seeing an upper half of female siluette behind the waterfall holding the rope to the harpoon. "I demand you run away from my island! Creatures of violence don't belong here!"
[Your Pov]
Not one word was said. The two were still shocked and quite frankly it was starting to get awkward until the feathered creature decided to finally talk. "Your island?! I have no reason to leave! Besides what will you do to me if I don't leave?" His response was in a mocking manner so he left me no choice. However the helmet man tried tying him down with what ever contraption is on his wrist. It shot a net over the bird man. Quick to react the man pulled my harpoon off the tree and used it as a knife to cut his way through the net. He pulled the rope hard sending me into the waterfall. I disappeared into the water swimming towards the bottom.

Nova was too distracted by vulture to be able to save the mystery girl from the waterfall. Hoping she didn't drown he fought back with all his strength using the nearby fallen trees 🏝 as a weapon. Vulture tried his best to escape but he was no match for Nova. Having no choice but to fall into the sea since he didn't want to risk getting knocked out. His deep cuts from the harpoon was starting to effect him once he got the oceans water on them. It stung horribly the bird man could hardly take it. Swimming wasn't an option as a random whale bit his other arm while he was observing his arm that was already harmed. "A tiny whale?! Where did you come from?!"  "Bloooop!!!!"
He slapped the whale hard across its face and threw it towards Nova as a distraction. Kalel cried due to the red hand mark on his cheek. He failed around eyes closed as he awaited a scary landing. Nova caught the whale in his arms placing him back in the water gently. Once Nova was able to fly around he looked furiously for vulture. He has been wanted by S.H.I.E.L.D for a decent amount of time now. Not only that but Nova would love bragging rights toward spidey as a plus. Hesitantly turning towards the pleas of the baby whale he noticed a shadow looming above him. Vulture took the opportunity to grab a huge tree and use it to send Nova flying in the water while he escaped from the island joyous manner
[Y/N Pov]
Poor Kalel his cheek is all red from that horrible creature! I rubbed some ointment I kept in a shell 🐚 on my little friend. "Oh no the human! Y/n do something!" Kalel was screaming beside Amy as she said those words. I turned noticing the human falling straight towards the ocean not too far. "Gasp! Let's save him! Kalel you stay here we will be back!" Good thing is merfolk are the fastest in the sea. He shouldn't lose too much air. I took hold of the human in my arms and swam to the surface as fast as I could. He was still out cold so I swam towards the island with a panicking starfish. "Oh how terrible! I hope he is ok. Do you think it requires ointment or some type of other aid?" "Hmmmm I doubt the ointment applies to this situation but let's see what we can do once we are on shore" Suddenly the human awoke startled in his fighting mode. He struggled in my arms and dove back into the water not realizing it was I who saved him. He kept screaming the winged creatures name before going down under. "Perhaps we should check on him y/n" "Sounds good. Let's see about it then" Swimming underneath the water he had a weird see through item over his mouth area. He was speechless once he saw me. Eyes wide and everything. I wasn't sure what to respond with so I used a poker face. Unsure of what he would say.

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2019 ⏰

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