Chapter 28

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There was an announcement telling everyone to move to the North Wing for the final event of the night. So while the crowd migrated to the next wing over, Naudia and Ryder flanked along the outskirts of the crowd, keeping Tara in their sight at all times. They knew that they had to keep up appearances and not jump right into action. In order to ensure everyone's safety and not tip anyone off then they needed a plan. But they were running out of time.

"Do you still have eyes on Tara?" Naudia spoke into her wrist communicator linked to the rest of the team.

"Yeah, but I can't get to her. She's granting last minute wishes to people and it would be suspicious if I just pulled her away. This is also the one time where not even Handlers are able to stand next to their Guardian," Ryder cursed under his breath.

The one time of the night where all of the Guardians were completely vulnerable.

Right before Tara stepped into place her eyes searched the room for Ryder's. When she found them the wrinkles left her face as relief washed over her and Ryder couldn't figure out why. She knew she was in trouble and what was about to happen if they couldn't stop it in time, and yet, she still smiled at him. It made Ryder ache. Every fiber of his being was pulling him forward, wanting him to move to her side. It was their Contracted relationship. It was their bond.

A holographic platform solidified under the feet of every Guardian and lifted them into the air until they hovered high above for everyone to witness. The stars shone through the glass ceiling and each Guardian received the light of the Stars with arms wide open as their Sprites flew around the room, leaving behind a sparkling trail of dust that fell over everyone's head. The sight was mesmerizing.

Then, a spotlight hit Nova as her Companion lifted the ceremonial chalice to her lips and she vowed to continue serving her people under House Aries. As the spotlight went dark her Sprite passed it off to Avani's Companion as he did the same thing, swearing to always protect the people under House Taurus. Next around the circle was Anya. However, everyone was so enchanted by the sight that no one even noticed Anya's Sprite Companion to be missing in action or the fact that Anya only pretended to sip from the chalice. Tara noticed though. In fact, her eyes never left Anya's spot even when she vanished into the dark.

One by one as each Guardian drank from the cup their spotlight would vanish and slowly the darkness crept into the room, taking over every inch of space. Finally, with just one last spotlight landing on Tara, Nixie's sprite handed the chalice off to her and she held it at an arm's length, hesitating in that moment. Even in the darkness she could sense Ryder closing in on her, refusing to leave her side. No matter what. Ryder continued to push through the mesmerized crowd, not liking the fact that Tara was so exposed. There was also something in the air surrounding the Guardians that Ryder recognized but couldn't figure out what it was. It was a familiar power surge that didn't make much sense to him.

But he didn't have much time to think about it because suddenly Dillon's essence became so vibrant that it was hard to ignore.

"Ryder, don't let Tara drink from that cup!" his voice traveled through the air.

That was all Ryder needed to jump into action. Time was up. He needed to act now and think later. So without another thought he leapt toward the center of the room and aimed a flaming arrow at Tara's cup to shoot it away from her hands. However, Ryder didn't realize there was a magic enhancement barrier surrounding the room so right before the arrow made contact it had exploded into a ball of flames.

The rest happened in snapshots for Ryder.

Snapshot 1: Aaron's silhouette appeared beside Tara.

Snapshot 2: Aaron broke up the fireball, making the sparks fall like magic dust.

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