Chapter 23

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When we got inside we were greeted by a few of the Estate's workers. Some whose main purpose was to greet everyone at the door, some who instructed where to go, and others who carried trays of horsd'oeuvres. With so many people flooding the Estate there was a buzz in the air. All curtains were drawn back, allowing light to flood in as the guests flowed from one room to the next, excited to be inside the mansion where all the Guardians resided.

While Hazel and Naudia went exploring with the rest of the guests Ryder quickly escorted me up the Grand Staircase to the second level so that I could meet up with the other Guardians and I couldn't help but notice the kind of composure he suddenly had. His chin was parallel with the ground, his back was straight, his eyes were focused and he held his arms behind his back which gave him an air of authority.

"Are you sure you know where to go? It seems pretty easy to get lost," he mentioned.

"Oh, it is. I've never been confident in finding my way around this place. That's probably why they stick Guardians with Handlers to keep us from straying off the path," I tried to get him to loosen up but it seemed to have the opposite effect.

That's when I realized how weird it must have been for him to be in a suit and to be in an entirely different environment than what he was used to. I was so concerned with how being back at the Estate performing a duty to my people would affect me that I didn't even consider how Ryder was handling it. He was always trying to protect me from everything including his own feelings. It wasn't fair.

"This is it," I murmured as I came to a slow stop in front of two large doors at the end of the hallway.

"You're going to be great. No one has any doubts," he promised me.

I just nodded and remained silent for a long moment.

"Well, you better get into place. Can't keep the people waiting," he shrugged and went to walk away.

"Ryder!" I spoke up in time for him to stop while he was still within my reach and he look back over his shoulder. "You're going to see and possibly talk to Handlers who have years of experience and Guardians who, as you've seen, just don't have a filter or know what it means to have boundaries..."

"Ace, you're rambling again. You're going to fry your brain if you keep this up," he chuckled uneasily.

"No matter what you hear or what anybody says to you, I want you to know that you're a pretty damn good Handler. For someone of your stature I mean," I smirked.

He turned to faced me completely as he casually slipped his hands into his pockets and smiled down at me. The way he let his guard down even in that instant was enough to help me relax as well.

"Thanks. I'll keep that in mind."

"That's it? You don't have anything nice to say about me? After all that?" I crossed my arms over my chest.

"Let's face it, Ace. You're a shitty Guardian," he laughed with his whole body.

"Hey!" My jaw dropped.

"But you're a pretty good friend. And a decent enough human being. So I guess we'll all have to settle for that much at least." The corners of his lips lifted ever so slightly as he took a few steps toward me. Then he held out his fist. "See you down there?"

"You better be in position when they call you. Don't be messing around with the others and miss your cue," I bumped my fist with his.

"No promises."

I just rolled my eyes as he turned to walk away again and I watched him walk back down the hallway.

Feeling better about where Ryder and I stood made me less hesitant about being able to walk through the doors in front of me. I death gripped the golden handle and pushed forward while almost stumbling into the room.

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